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cardcaptors a new evil

Loose Ends

There are 74 loose ends in this story.

Choice ID Choice Room ID
208763 sakura is attacked but finds way to win 106657
208764 sakura gets brainwuehd 106657
208765 skaura meets the new bad guys 106657
208767 sakura beats toby and jackie 106658
208768 toby jackie defeats sakura but li safes her 106658
208770 shaoran sotp toby but loses to jackie 106659
208771 shaoran defeated jackie and toby safes sakura 106659
208773 hlep form future fails to sotp this new evil 106660
208774 future wairors get brianwushed 106660
208776 it is over 106661
208777 max over powers sakura jr and shaoran jr 106661
208779 sakura jr shanron jr defeats toby and jackie aigan 106662
208780 new bad guy show up and defeats sakura jr and shanorn jr 106662
208782 the new hlep form future lose,s 106663
208783 can any one sotp max jackie toby after defeating new future wiaorrs 106663
208785 did you think it was over 106664
208787 you deside what happens next 106665
208788 new emey apeprs in the future ? 106665
208790 sakura her firneds beat the witchs 106666
208791 you desdie what happens next 106666
208793 sakura wins 106667
208794 li hleps sakura 106667
208796 sakura future kids win 106668
208797 you deisde what will happen to sakura future kids 106668
208799 future sakura future sheron get dfeated 106669
208800 you deside what happens 106669
208802 you desdie what happens 106670
208804 dark kim wins 106671
208805 good kim defeats dark kim 106671
208806 you deside 106671
208808 dark kim retuens and defeats then giev the dark maigc brianwush them good kim to 106672
208809 you deside what happens 106672
208811 you deside who this new eivl is 106673
208813 kim wins 106674
208814 blair defeats every one and brianwushes them 106674
208815 you deside what happens 106674
208817 blair defeats sakura and li 106675
208818 blair defeats sakura and li but madison defeats blair 106675
208819 madison turns on sakura and joins new bad guy after geting brianwushed 106675
208820 you deside what happens 106675
208822 medusa lose 106676
208823 medusa boss hleps her 106676
208824 you deside what happens 106676
208826 meudsa sisters apper 106677
208827 you deside whats next 106677
208829 medusa lose 106678
208830 meudea takes every one magic 106678
208831 you deside what medusa dos next 106678
209075 future sakura future sharoan defeat kim.s dad 106803
209076 future madison future mailin show up to hlep future sakura future sharoan 106803
209077 you what happen next 106803
209079 future madson future meilin defeat medusa 106804
209080 you deisd what medusa will do after she defeats them 106804
209082 future fightes are no match for medusa 106805
209083 future kim gets brianwashed by king if darkness and turns on the future fighters 106805
209084 you deside what happens 106805
209085 future jade come to hlep future kim to but she other future fighters lose 106805
209087 future kim her team sotp the king if darkness 106806
209088 th future fighters and future kim get brainwashed long with future jade 106806
209089 you deside what happesn 106806
209091 future km her new team win 106807
209092 king if darkness brianwah future kim and her new team and young jade future jade 106807
209093 you deside what happens 106807
209095 future kim her new team win 106808
209096 future kim new team lose young jade future jade try to hlep her 3 if them lose 106808
209097 you deside what next 106808
209099 king if darknes biranwahs every one then tske both jade,s maigc meudsa retuens 106809
209100 you deisde what happens next 106809
209102 madusa defeats yumi sotp her spell then brianwahs her 106810
209103 medusa sisters show up to her her over pwoer yumi 106810
209104 you deside 106810
209105 it not over yet 106811
209106 what with sakura her new firends do next 106811
209107 sakura firneds turn evil 106811