
Name Syntax Purpose
Bold [b]{text}[/b] Makes {text} bold
Italic [i]{text}[/i] Makes {text} italic
Underline [u]{text}[/u] Underlines {text}
Strike-through [s]{text}[/s] Create a line-through/strike through on {text}
Center [center]{text}[/center] Centers {text}
Left-Justified [left]{text}[/left] Left-justifies {text}
Right-Justified [right]{text}[/right] Right-justifies {text}
Justified [justify]{text}[/justify] Justifies {text} on left and right
Quote [quote]{text}[/quote] Creates a quotation box containing {text}
Code [code]{text}[/code] Formats {text} as code
Super-script [sup]{text}[/sup] Super-scripts {text}
Sub-script [sub]{text}[/sub] Sujb-scripts {text}
Link [url]{url}[/url] Makes a link to {url}
Link (named) [url={url}]{text}[/url] Makes a named link to {url}
Image [img]{url}[/img] Shows the image indicated by {url}
Font Color [color={color}]{text}[/color] Changes the color of {text}
Font Size [size={number}]{text}[/size] Changes the font-size of {text}
Font Face [face={font}]{text}[/face] Styles {text} in {font}
Email Address [email]{address}[/email] Hyperlinks {address} as an email address
Email Address (named) [email={address}]{name}[/email] Hyperlinks {name} as an email address URL
Unordered List [list][*]Item 1[*]Item 2[*]Item 3[/list] Creates a bulleted unordered list
Ordered List (decimal numbers) [list=1][*]Item 1[*]Item 2[*]Item 3[/list] Creates an ordered list using numbers
Ordered List (alphabetical) [list=a][*]Item 1[*]Item 2[*]Item 3[/list] Creates an ordered list using letters
Ordered List (roman numerals) [list=i][*]Item 1[*]Item 2[*]Item 3[/list] Creates an ordered list using roman numerals