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cardcaptors a new evil by superleo2

Chapter 4: Is this the end???

Kero: "What's with this magic wall around Sakura's place? I can't get outside to help. Yue, you're the only one who get to them in time.

I know Yue's still too far away from Sakura's place, but he'd better get here soon."
Shaoran: "Lightning - Force know my plight, release the light! Lightning! The lightning

hits Jackie.
"Aughhhhhh!", yelled Jackie. Then Shaoran kicks Toby in the face and punches him in the stomach.

"Augh!", yelled Toby, spitting.
Then Shaoran punches Toby to the ground.

Toby: "That's it, I've had it with you! It's high time we put and end to this fight, Shaoran, and it ends with your defeat!"

Then Toby knees Shaoran in his stomach.
"Urk!", yelled Shaoran, spitting as he grabbed his arms around his stomach and fell on his knees.

Then Toby grabbed Shaoran by his hair, lifting him up one foot off ground, then punched Shaoran in his stomach 3 times,
making him spit.

Shaoran: "No! I can't ... I won't give up! If I do Sakura may never get her powers back or wake up.
For all I know I won't let that happen!"

Shaoran elbowed Toby in the stomach, then kicked him in face.

"Augh!", yelled Toby, spitting.
Toby: "Maybe you are a better fighter than I thought you were."

Shaoran knocked Toby to the ground.

Jackie: "It seems Toby needs a little help."

Jackie ran up to Shaoran and punched him in the stomach.
"Aaurgh!!", yelled Shaoran, spitting, and then he was grounded as Toby hit him in the

back of his neck.
Toby followed up by stepping on Shaoran's stomach.

"Oooh, my stomach! It hurts!" Shaoran yelled, holding his stomach, trying to catch his breath and ignoring the pain.

Shaoran forced himself to stand up.

Jackie: "Play time is over, Shaoran! Level trans!"
Shaoran: "Huh? What's she doing? Better not wait to find out!"

Then Jackie's spell turned Shaoran's shoes and socks into ropes. "Now level wind!", yelled Jackie, sending the ropes
flying at Shaoran, then his arms and legs were bonded in ropes."

Shaoran:"What? I can't move! These ropes are too tight! I need to get free! I need to save Sakura, but how can I do it
with the ropes being so tight?"

Shaoran stuggles.

Jackie: "That's right, Shaoran. Stuggle all you want - you won't get free!"
Toby: "Now it's time for you to meet the same fate as sakura herself, Shaoran."

Toby walked up to Shaoran and put his hand over Shaoran's mouth.
"mphmhphmphm", yelled Shaoran.

Sweat starts running down Shaoran's face and he starts feeling weak as magic was being drained from him.

Madison: "Oh no, not Sharoan, too! I've got to call Meilin and tell her to get Eli."
Madison: "Hi Meilin, you're a lot closer to Eli's hotel than me. Can you go and get him right way?

Shaoran can't beat this new evil. He tried to save Sakura, who failed. Now he needs help right away."

Meilin: "What? He needs help? I will go tell Eli, then I will come to take them on myself."

Soon Toby drained Shaoran's magic and then taped his mouth shut. Shaoran's eyes turned white.

He fell this knees, still tied up like Sakura, and then hits the ground due to having his magic traumatically ripped from him.

Madison: "I can't stay here - not with the powers they have, but I've got to get somewhere safe to tell Eli to get here."

Madison runs.

Toby: "Where do you think you're going, Madison?"
Jackie: "I'll stop her, Toby. Level water!"

Within seconds a wall of water was blocking Madison's path.
Jackie: "Did you really think you would be able to just walk way from this? You saw everything.

You know what we did, you can easily inform Eli."
Toby: "Then he would know what we did. We can't let him know. If he knows he can stop us."

Jackie walked up to Madison, grabbing her by the hair and punched her in the stomach.
"Augh!", yelled Madison, spitting. Madison fell to her knees, holding her stomach.

Jackie: "That's right. We know about Clow being reincarnated as Eli.
Well, you may not have any magic for me to absorb, but that doesn't mean you're safe."

Jackie removed Madison's shoes and pulled Madison's socks off.

Jackie:"Now just like with Shaoran it's time for your socks to become ropes."

Soon ropes were sent flying at Madison, tieing her arms and legs up.

Madison: "Let me go ! Why are you two doing this? We had nothing to do with your master being sealed away.

Why did you steal Sakura's and Shaoran's magic? You two are worse than Sue Young!"
Jackie: "Shut your mouth, brat!"

Jackie taped Madison's mouth shut.
"Mphmphmp!", yelled Madison.

Jackie: "Now it's time for some fun. Time to test out the cards I stole from Sakura. I call out the fight card to knock Madison out."

Then the fight card punched Madison, knocking her out as Madison's eyes turned white.
She hit ground, unconscious.

Toby: "Now we have all the magic we need to free our master."
Yue: "No! I am too late! My master lost her magic {justlike with Shaoran}"

Soon Jackie removes the magic barrier she put around Sakura's home.

Kero:"You're going to pay for what you did to our master!"

Jackie: "You two can't lay a finger on us! I removed Sakura's name off her star cards and put my name on them.
Now which means I am your new master. You can't lay a hand on me! I control you."

Yue: "No! You're lying! We only have two masters: My former master Clow and my current master Sakura.

You're not my master! You'er going to pay!"
Kero: "Yue's right! We don't want you as our master, Jackie!"

Jackie: "Shadow card, become a cage! Trap Yue and Kero!"
Toby: "Now to pick up where we left off..."

Yue: "If only I stayed by Sakura's side this would not happen."
Jackie: "Now gates to to hidden seal - I, Jackie ..."
Toby: "... and I, Toby command you to releash the one who is trapped inside"

Soon to portal was ripped open and Max waaked out.

Max: "It's been years since I last stepped my foot on earth. Now I am free! Thank you two for freeing me!
Now the only one who stands in my way is Eli."

Toby: "Master Max, may we ask for a favor? We want to send these 3 to the same realm you were trapped in."
Jackie: "The portal is still open. It closes in about one minute."

Toby: "Master, let us seal them away for your revenge!"
Max: "I agree. You may seal them away."

Jackie and Toby picked up Sakura and Shaoran and threw them inside the portal.
Then they threw Madison inside the portal just as Meilin showed up.

"You! How can you do that to them?", yelled Meilin, punching Jackie in stomach and in her face.
Jackie: "So you want be next, Meilin? That's fine."

Melin kicked Jackie in her face, then punched her to the ground.
Jackie: "Well, at last you're a better fighter than Sakura was."

Then Jackie punched Meilin in her face and stomach.
"Augh!", yelled meillin

Jackie: "Now Bandage Card, tie Meilin up in bandages!"
"What? No!!", yelled Meilin as her arms and legs were wrapped up in bandages and her

mouth was gagged with a bandage.
Then Jackie hit Meilin from behind, knocking her out. Meilin's eyes turned white. She hit the ground, unconscious.

Toby: "Looks like you're just in time, Meilin you brat!"
Jackie: "Yes, she is in time. Now I send her to where Sakura and the others are."

Jackie threw Meilin into the portal.

Jackie: "5 seconds left now till it closes, time's up now."
Toby: "Today revenge will be Max's."

- flashback -

Meilin: "Eli! Sakura and the others need your help!"
Eli: "Yes, I know. I am going to get them some help, but I need time."

Meilin: "Don't worry! I am going after them any way."
end if flash back

Max: "I have one more favor for you to do: I want you to absorb the magic of anyone you find that has magic powers.

However leave Eli for me. I will battle it out with him myself."
Toby: "But master, are you sure?"

Jackie: "Ya, he's right."
Max: "Don't worry, Eli does not have the power to seal me anymore. He gave half of his power to Sakura's dad, remember?"

Ruby Moon:" Master Eli! What are you going to do? You can't stop them, not with the level of magic you have now."
Eli: "Don't you worry. I have already sent {magese} to my future self."

So can he sent Sakura's daughter and son to the past which is this timeline so they can help.

With the two of them together along with myself, we will be able to stop Max. The two of them together should be able to defeat
Jackie and Toby.

Spinner Sun: "Good idea planning ahead, Eli!"
future wairors get brianwushed
End Of Story

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