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cardcaptors a new evil by superleo2
in hour later

future sakura: " i secne it he here
future sharoan: "then lots put in end to him

kim.s dad: " so you two are ones who defeated muedsa huh you ruined my plans no i hvae to do everthign my slef in order to retuen to my ture form you cant win o and one mroe thing if you

think you can beat me the some way you beat meudsa then think agian am know it only works on witchs and no witch just master if sahdow magic the who made shadow magic exsit in the

fsit palce
future sakura: "i dont care your going to down time card and frezze card she yelled

kim,s dad time can not sotp me nor can ice flames if madess burn the ice away he yelled
then kim,s dad punched future sakura in her stomach urk she yelled spiting

future sharoan: "then lots try super lighting force he yelled
kim,s dad: "shadow superwind force he yelled blowing the lighting right back at future shaoran

future sharoan: "aughhhhhhhhhhh he yelled geting hit by lighting
then kim,s dad elbowred future shraoran and future sakura in there stomachs

furture sharoan: "urk he yelled spiting
furure sakura: "ough she yelled spitng

kim,s dad: "will will it somes you two are stell hrut form beating meudsa give you withc meens you wont stnad up to this he yelled knee future sakura and future shraoan in there

5 times then kim,s dad steped on future sakura and futrue sharoan,s stomachs

kim,s dad: " now for bit of fun for me but painfull for you two he yelled kicking furure sakura lift arm in broeking it

future sakura;; uagh she cryed

then kim;s dad kicked future shraon right arm in brokeing it aughhh he cryed

kim,s dad: " now shadow force vines he yelled
future sakura: " wha she yeleld as her arms legs war warped up in vines

future sharoan: " what the no way he yelled as his arms legs war warped up in vines
future sakura sutggles

future sharoan sutggles
kim,s dad: " you failed brats now i will end this fight

kim,s dad walked up to future sakura and future shaoran put his hands over there mouths
future sakura: "mpmhphmpmhm she yelled as swet start runing down her face and she started

to feel week
future sharoan: "mphmpmhpmh he yelled as swet start runing down his face as he started to feel week

soon kim,s dad take all if future sakura and future sharoan magic and then taped there mouths shut and future sakura and future sharoan eyes turn white as they fell to there

knees and hit ground then he removed there shoes and socks off there feet

kim,s dad: "that was to easy now shadow force vines re tie the others up that these two brats untied elayer he yelled soon others that war stlel out cold war tied up gagged agian

then he throw them all in cell with future sakura and future shraroan
kim,s dad: "now theres only two poople that can stand in my way eli and sharoan,s mom

once i deal with them i will defeated every one who wood be in my away o ya I forget about future kim she could get in ym way so will defeat her to and future Madison and furue melin to
eli: "looks like the darkness wont nr easy to beat

sharoan,s mom: "you can say that i agian i came her when secne sharoan lose his magic so thats what going on huh will then we have to stop him

kim,s dad: "you two wont be stoping me at all
sharoan.s mom: " your wrong we will stop you

voice1: "shadow force 50 snakes
sharoan,s mom: " wight how did you call forth that many only meudsa can do that and she dead

muedsa: " hahahahaha dead to i look dead to you she yelled
sharoan,s mom: "what but your died

meudsa: "yes i wood have but at last sic trasnfored my slef back in to ym kid body as ym teenage body spit in huff burend up the spelli used can only be down onces now i have

start all over if you two make move these sankes will bit you
kim,s dad: "dont worry meudsa you can take magic if sharoan,s bratty sisters i have no need for

them so there all yours now shadow force ropes and shadow voce vines he yelled as ropes tied

sharoan mom up then vicnes tied eli up
sharoan,s mom sutggles

eli sutggles
kim,s dad put his hands over sharoan mom,s mom and eli mouths

sharoan,s mom: "mphphmphmpm
eli: "mpmhmhpmhph

soon kim,s dad stell all there magics tapes there mouths as there eyes turn whittie and they fell to there knees hit ground then he throw them in cell with others then tepprots

him slef and the
cage back to his base then he unties ever set them one by one on beds then put mind

contorl devoice on there forheads infuseing them shadow magic turning there eyes red and black
kim,s dad: "and its down there now gonig to do everything i tell them to but take 1 day

befor effacts take full turn on them after that i wont need to devcoe on to be on there force heads

but take in hour befor they wake up so tell then i wight for future kim to show up so beat her up tie her up take her magic form her then i will have win and after every one wakes up i will free every who was ever tarped by eli and skaura and others

hi medusa after I take over I snet you to future to beatup tie up take future Madison and future melien and take there magic form them for your slef

medusa; thank boss I be sure to do that
future madson future meilin defeat medusa
End Of Story

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