The Ballad of Crud and Horgus v1.1

You and Horgus continue through the desert heat. The kind of heat that, if you were offered a hot drink, you would say, "What? No, why would I want a hot drink? It's already super hot out." and the person offering you the drink would say, "Yes, but this is some really good tea. You should try it. Doesn't it smell good?" And sure, the tea does smell good. You're guessing the person probably ordered it specially shipped. You've never smelled anything quite like it. You can pick up a hint of jasmine, but it's not... overwhelming, like many jasmine teas are. Still, you're visibly sweating in the heat and you couldn't possibly think about drinking something as hot as freshly brewed tea. "Maybe if it were cooler," you tell the person offering you the tea. They shrug, and say, "Yeah, that's fair enough. It is pretty warm outside."
Anyway, that's how hot it is in the desert.
You eventually come across a sign that points in three directions.
LEFT: Big Grande City
RIGHT: Utopia of the Fist
FORWARD: Leon's Hut
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