The Machinist Child

Luckily as you exit the lab and into the city streets it is already raining so the cloaks don’t attract too much attention. You are quickly following Prinevo so you and the crew don’t get a chance to admire the sights, but you do notice that the waterways throughout the city contain a bright purple liquid. You decide you won’t be drinking anything soon.

Prinevo leads you down an alleyway and quickly you find yourself surprised to be in what clearly is a robot ghetto. You notice, against a brick wall, a tall robot is sitting down, covered in scorch marks, his arm hooked up to some sort of battery. He seems to be moaning in diseased pleasure as sparks shoot into his arm. Some kind of robot drug maybe?

As you look at him curiously, you run into a small robot that was cutting across in front of you. You reach out your hand to help the robot up and are greeted by a very human, child like face of a little girl. The eye color is a and the face looks kind of rubbery but it is very realistic, the only other way you can tell the robot isn’t human is that large chunks of the arm and leg skin are missing, revealing metal underneath the skin.

“Wow Mr….” The child robot looks at you with awe.
“Whoever did your modifications is AMAZING! Where did you go to?”

“Err…I umm...I don’t remember.” You clumsily reply, pushing away the child, hurrying as you tighten up your cloak to hide yourself. You get yourself close to Mora.

“Smooth move back there Mr. Two left feet.”

“Ug…Shut up…the kid ran in front of me. So what do you make of this?”
“I make that we’re in trouble and that Prinevo seems to be some sort of mad scientist nut.”

You hold your finger to your mouth, indicating Mora is being too loud. You reply to her in a hushed tone.

“Well he may be that, but if it wasn’t for him we would have no chance at all. We’d still be in space slowly starving to death. He may seem eccentric but he is our only and best shot and getting back home.”

Mora nods then quickly turns back at you, getting in a bit closer she whispers.

“Garen…how the HELL did you know the coordinates of this place? Don’t think in all the excitement I forgot. You knew about this place somehow.”

You guess there is no reason to hide the strange secret anymore.

“I was contacted by someone…psychically it seems. They told me to come here to rescue them from this…Machinist child.”

“Psychically? Oh jeez…you think people have that kind of communication technology?”

Mora back on the alien kick. It always annoys you.

“Listen…These people developed separate from the rest of the galaxy for thousands of years! It’s possible they developed psychic communication.”

Mora rolls her eyes.

“Don’t be like that Garen! You saw that hover bot! It went down after only a couple shots like it had barely any shielding whatsoever! And that laser weapon, outdated by a good 200 years! Trust me we got the jump on these robots in the weapons department.”

“But not in the numbers department…Our shields may hold out better, but trust me, once a lot of them start coming after us in won’t matter. Stay sharp.”
Mora stares you down with a look of displeasure, knowing you dodged the alien question. You hate talking about that garbage. Mora is too much of a conspiracy theorist in your mind, but the point she made does have some weight.

Prinevo stops in the middle of a side street, holding his hand to the side of his head as if he is getting some sort of communication. He turns to the group,

“Wait here for a moment.”

You and Mora look around the street as the archaeologists point and discuss a nearby building in the distance. You see a couple other robot junkies attached to that battery device, lying against the walls, enjoying their fix. Another robot in a hooded trench coat is looking all around shiftily. Maybe a dealer you think.

A couple of probe droids are also hovering in the area, bleeping and blooping, probably just having a conversation with each other. You go over to the scientists to see what they are talking about. You listen in as Dr. Wun is going on about how the city seems to be archaic in design but the technology behind the sphere itself is highly advanced, that something does not add up. Dr. Jacobs retort that the wars could have sent the society into a dark age and without humans the robots couldn’t advance. Interesting stuff, but you have to concentrate on security; you turn around and notice things have just gotten bad.

The probe droids and robot in the trench coat have left. You notice one of the battery users has left as well leaving only one left, sparks convulsing his body, some sort of oil dripping from his mouth. He must be a heavy user. Nonetheless the side street has become eerily silent, only the pitter patter of the rain can be heard. In combat situations this is known as the calm before the storm.

You un-holster your HAM pistol, keeping it hidden under your cloak, you motion for the scientists to get against a wall. Their chatter ceases and they comply. Suddenly two large robots enter into the side street from one of the alleyways. Two more accompany them from another alley across the street. The positioning has cut you and Mora off from Prinevo and the scientists against the wall.

The robots are over 3 meters tall, white and gold colored with tall foreheads and visor like visual receptors, flashing red. They are wearing ornate capes, rain cover wear you assume. You and Mora stand still, not sure on what to do. One of the robots speaks.

“Scan completed. You have biological components, you are human. You are to come with us to be interrogated for information.” The robot waits for your response. Prinevo shouts at you from behind them, “Those are Bishops Mr. Koda! Followers of the Machinist! Run!”

“Running would be ill advised human.” The bishop robot then transforms its right arm into a cannon like device. A glowing white blade then protrudes from the top of the left arm. These guys look serious. Looking at Mora you know she’s going to try and make a move.

“You have five seconds to comply human, before annihilation.”