The Machinist Child

You drop your gun, putting your hands in the air. Mora does not share your sentiment, revealing the neuron beam rifle from undernath her cloak, firing upoon the Bishops. The beams go through the Bishops like butter, but robots don’t stop or feel pain.

"Foolish mistake human."

“Mora STOP! We can’t win this fight!”

She turns to you infuriated,

“Maybe YOU can’t, but I can!” She keeps firing, as the Bishops return fire with their arm cannons, blasting laser beams at Mora’s mobile shield, you hear the indicator say the shield is at 17%. Mora dives, rolls and runs into a nearby alley, the Bishops giving chase.

The scientists have freaked out not sure what to do now that you are doing nothing and Mora is blasting away. A couple of them make a break for it, but the Bishops are close in tow, firing their laser cannons.

“Switch to conventional weaponry, they are using energy shields.” One Bishop says to the other.

You scream at the doctors to surrender, but they do not. The Bishops close in with their glowing blades on the scientists, who cannot outrun them. Brief screams as the two scientists heads are lopped off in succession. The Bishops quickly turn back to the main group.

From the alleyway Mora ran down, one of the Bishops flies backward from an explosion, presumably from Mora’s beam rifle. Good job, you think. Then from the same direction a small object flies past you and splatters against the far wall. Its Mora’s severed head.

“Oh God…no… NOOOOOOO!!!”

If she had not been so gung ho she would of still been alive….You wish now you had fought back with her. You pick up your dropped pistol, run into the alley and begin firing like a madman. The Bishop turns and dodges a few shots before being hit in the chest, the blast blowing a hole the size of a watermelon. The robot seizes up then crumbles to the ground. You run toward it, still firing, blowing it to pieces. Metal chunks are flying around everywhere. You fall to your knees, lamenting Mora’s death for a moment. Another Bishop enters the alley, in front of you it immediately begins to fire at you. Shields at 72%....61%...

You stand up , fire some anti-matter rounds,turning the Bishop into charred scrap. They are just going to keep coming, you think. Running back into the previous street you are mortified that everyone is gone. The scientists, Prinevo, are missing. Probably captured by the robots. You start to run around shouting, hoping they are close enough to hear you, but no one responds.

You are lost in a robot city…
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