The Machinist Child

You stay in the grimey street, shouting at the top of your lungs for challengers to face you. It does not take long for more Bishops to arrive, they fly in on rocket boots, landing around you.

Four of them encircle you, and begin shooting. With the HAM pistol you blow each one of their heads off, with one shot each. Sparks fly out of their neck sockets, then they fall with satisfying clunks. Their fire depleted your shields to 49%.

More robots come...Two grand prophet hover droids this time. You smile, you know the outcome of this fight already. The whirl in circles around you and manage to dodge the first shots you fire off at them. Swifter than you originally gave them credit for. They both fire lasers at you, your shields are down to 19%. They then decide to come in close, one trying to grab at you with a long pincer arm. You leap back and blast a couple holes into the hover droid. It explodes almost right next to you, knocking you and the second prophet to the ground. Mobile shield deactivated.

You get up while the downed prophet take a swing at you with a buzzsaw blade. Avoiding the attack, you turn and fire, destorying the droid.

"COME ON! IS THAT ALL YOU GOT?! THIS IS EASY! HAHAHA!" You are almost foaming at the mouth with rage.

Great vibrations almost cause you to lose your balance as a mammoth robot enters the area. This giant robot is twice the size of the Bishops and looks alot more fearsome with shoulder mounted machine gun laser turrets and missile ports on it's chest. You spit at it first then fire your pistol, 10 times. Nothing. This bastard has shields...

Red beams fire out of the bots eyes, hitting you directly. You are quickly engulfed in flames. You don't even have enough time to scream as you are reduced to a pile of ash.
End Of Story