The Machinist Child

“Ahh…crap…” You mutter as you turn to Prinevo who has dove for cover behind a counter.

“I’m so sorry humans! They must have bugged me! That’s a Grand Prophet Hover bot! Humans you must run, it’s going to kill you!”

The Grand Prophet Hover bot, readies its appendage containing the laser machine gun. You draw your Heavy Anti-matter pistol and get a bead on the bot. It’s quick though, in the time it took you to draw the pistol; the lasers begin flying into the room, obliterating the conference table into shards of wood. The scientists are screaming and running for better cover, some of them getting hit by the lasers but thankfully the mobile shields hold, absorbing the laser fire.

You are actually surprised at how primitive the laser power seems to be. This might be an advantage you have over these robots. The grand hover bot zips into the room avoiding your first shot at it; you can no appreciate its size and understand why it’s called a “Grand” prophet hover bot. It takes a swipe at you with its electrical staff arm, but you duck under it successfully. Mora begins to fire purple beams from her Neuron rifle, severing the laser machine gun arm. Wailing its frightening siren again the hover bot turns its many crimson eyes in Mora’s direction, producing a buzz saw from one of its appendages. Closing in on Mora you take aim at the center mass of the circular bot, firing an anti-matter capsule dead center. A bowling ball sized explosion tears into the hover bot, knocking it forward to the back wall. Mora leaps out of the way as it crashes.

The hover bot is now grounded but tries in vain to take another swipe at Mora with the buzz saw blade. Mora quickly stands, whirls around and blows off the arm with the beam rifle. You then unleash a barrage of anti-matter rounds from your pistol, obliterating the Grand hover bot into Grand scrap metal. Circuit boards, screws and wiring are raining down on top of you. Prinevo shakily stands up as do the scientists who all seem to be safe, albeit terrified.

“It would seem you humans are better armed on the outside….”

“Damn skippy!” Mora beams.

“Prinevo you need to take us somewhere where we can hide right away, I’m sure more are coming.” You state.

“Right Mr. Koda. Please follow me; we have to head into the city quickly!”

Dr. Wun nervously asks, “Won’t we be easily recognizable in a robot culture?”

“Not as much as you think, many robots have altered themselves with human like features so they’re facial expressions can mimic their emotions. It’s all the rage with the young droids now…” Prinevo is digging in a wall compartment while speaking.

“…But obviously a real human will be easily identifiable on inspection so we must keep you all somewhat hidden to avoid too much attention. Put these on.” He throws you and your crew thick hooded cloaks.

“I use these so the rain doesn’t fry my circuits, but this will keep up the façade for the time needed.”

You all put on the cloaks and head out into the robot city, closely following Prinevo.

You have 1 choice: