The Machinist Child


Mora whips back her cloak revealing the neuron beam rifle to the Bishops. They turn their attention from you to Mora, quickly re-aiming their cannon arms with the precision only a robot could have. Mora fires, piercing one through the chest cavity, gears and cogs flying onto the street from the Bishop’s wound. The second fires a large green laser blast as Mora dives to avoid the hit. You fire your pistol at Mora’s attacker, severing the cannon arm with one shot. The other Bishop has now steadied itself from the first wound, already chasing after Mora who has ducked into an alley.

The Bishop you have disarmed is now charging you with its white glowing blade as sparks shoot out from loose wires of the severed right arm. That’s the problem with robots, you think. They don’t feel pain so blowing their arms off is almost an act of futility. No time to pontificate though as the Bishop takes a swing intended to decapitate. You duck, roll and run underneath its legs. The robot quickly whirls around taking another swing, the energy of the blade cackles with strange electricity. You jump backward, narrowly escaping, re-aim and fire your pistol, two in the chest, one in the head. The bishop flies backwards from the small anti-matter explosions, slamming into a brick building. You hear it sputter weird mechanical buzzes then power down, destroyed.

The elongated head of the other Bishop chasing Mora flies out from the alley and skids to your feet. She emerges from the alleyway, beam rifle still smoldering. Good job Mora. However, Prinevo and the scientists are not faring as well. Six of the Dr’s are behind Prinevo who has some sort of electrical staff he is waving at the other two Bishop bots. Unfortunately Dr. Jacobs and Dr. Fayu have let fear get the best of them, making a run for it down the street. One Bishop stays with the main group while the other pursues the fleeing Dr’s.

You bolt down the street as fast as you can, giving chase. The Bishop fires its laser cannon hitting both Jacobs and Fayu, but their mobile shield holds.

“Human’s protected against energy weapons. Use conventional weaponry.” The Bishop communicates this to the other one. Both their blades come out. You are almost in range to fire at the robot but then it speeds away from you, using rocket boosters on its feet. Oh no, you think. Dr. Jacobs never see’s it coming as his back is to the Bishop. With one swift stroke Jacobs is beheaded by the blade as the Bishop continues rocketing forward. Fayu screams in terror and quickly changes direction going down another street. You are still in pursuit as the robot turns and heads back towards Fayu. There’s no doubt he will be killed in seconds if you do not act. So you fire as accurately as you can, three shots, the first misses but the other two hit the Bishop’s kneecaps crippling his legs.

The robot attempts to walk, but falls forward, saving itself from a face plant, with its sword arm. Without missing a beat it aims the cannon arm at Dr. Fayu’s back. Instead of laser beams, a large spiked ball is fired, slamming into Fayu’s back at incredible velocity. You hear his spinal cord snapping and cringe as blood sputters from his mouth. Two of your crew dead within seconds.

The Bishop turns toward you with its arms and begins to ready the cannon, but you put a quick stop to that firing a round at the robots head, blowing it apart.
Turning back to the main group, you see Mora putting the finishing touches on the other Bishop, peppering it with rifle shots, about seven of them before the robot collapses in shambles.

“Dr. Jacobs! Dr….Fayu! Oh my God!” Dr. Wun shouts in horror.

“This…isn’t happening…how utterly awful!”

“They’re dead Dr. Wun. We have to keep moving or we’ll be dead too.” You say sternly. The scientists are gripped with fear. Prinevo nods in agreement.

“I can carry the doctors to a safe location, Mr. Koda, Miss Flenn please follow me as best you can.”

“We’ll cover your back Prinevo. They’re no match for our guns.” Mora says with confidence.

Prinevo extends his arms, becoming very long. He opens them wide.

“Come along gentleman, don’t be shy. Think of it as a… carnival ride.” The Dr’s group together as Prinevo tightens his arms around the doctors. He then leaps into the air jumping on top of a small building. Not bad for an old robot. You and Mora begin pursuit as Prinevo jumps from building to building. Prinevo makes sure you see every leap he makes so you can follow closely.

It doesn’t take long for more Bishop’s to come flying in, you count about 10, in pursuit of Prinevo. You and Mora find a ladder on a small building and quickly climb up it. You are now jumping from rooftop to rooftop after Prinevo, albeit less effectively as the old robot. From the streets below two Bishops emerge levitating in front of you, cutting you off.

“Arrgh…These things suck!” Mora shouts as she fires her rifle, knocking one backward. The second fires its laser beam at you, hitting your shield. Shields at 85% the little palm sized device on your belt states. You once again blow a couple holes into the robot; it explodes, falling to the streets below. Mora as well finishes the Bishop with a piercing round through the head. Mora smiles at you as you both continue chasing Prinevo.

You are both now firing at Prinevo’s pursuers, knocking a few out of the sky. Some turn to fly toward you, but once again they are primitive compared to your weaponry. Prinevo has gone too far, you have lost sight of him. You and Mora keep going in the direction he was heading and jump to the next rooftop. Behind a wall on the building’s roof you see Prinevo and the Dr’s, with their hands in the air, surrounded by eight Bishop’s. You are about to charge in and attack when you hear the sound of a crackling energy blade at your back. Turning around you are facing four more Bishops and in the distance more are flying in…You are completely surrounded.

“Surrender or die human.”
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