The Machinist Child

You are not about to let yourself be thrown into some sort of robot prison for the rest of your days. You look into Mora’s eyes and nod. She understands.


You scream out as you fire point blank into the Bishop with the sword at your back. He is blown back ward off the roof. You fire again and again at the four Bishops closest to you, hitting three. One is hobbled, missing a leg but still coming at you with the glowing blade. Mora pierces it through the circuitry in its head. She then begins to fire at the robots surrounding the scientists. Prinevo tackles a Bishop to the ground and begins punching him.

As more Bishops land the fight grows more intense. The scientists are shouting as they are being blasted into charred skeletons. They had no weaponry and no chance, you can’t dwell on it.

Prinevo is dragged away by two Bishops and stabbed repeatedly with the energy blades. Mora runs out of energy cells for her rifle and attempts to whack a Bishop in the leg with it. With robotic precision it is wrested away from her and crushed. The Bishop then blasts her in the head, her shields fully depleted she is killed instantly. Only you remain.

You laugh as more and more surround you. Quickly you run out of anti-matter capsules for your pistol. Chucking the empty gun at a Bishops head, you are riddled with laser bolts.
End Of Story