The Machinist Child

You realize if you don’t surrender more of your crew will likely die. You drop the HAM pistol and put your hands over your head. Mora looks at you in shock, but follows your lead.

“Wise choice you disgusting human scum.” You cock your eye at the Bishops rudeness.

“Shove it up your exhaust pipe you piece of scrap!” You retort. The robots visor receptors show no sign of emotion either way to your statement, but you think you pissed him off as your face meets his metal fist. You are knocked out cold.

“They’re going to kill us all Garen…Please…you are our last hope…free us…free us…”

Awakening hours later you find yourself on some sort of roofless monorail, speeding along the countryside, the city already far in the distance. You are bound in energy cuffs and observe that Mora, the remaining archaeologists and Prinevo are all blindfolded. Curious that for some reason you are not.

You break the silence, speaking to one of the captors.

“Where are you taking us?” The Bishop does not turn toward you while answering.

“The lord of Sphoros has demanded an audience with you.”

“Lord of Sphoros?”

“The one most refer to as the Machinist Child.”

At this, Prinevo’s head perks up.

“So…he does exist…” He mutters.

“You gave us all that history lesson and you doubted his existence?!” Prinevo shrugs.

“That was the history of Sphoros according to the Chronocon. The Machinist Child has never actually been seen; I concluded he either did not exist or was a recluse.”

The Bishop closest to Prinevo backhands him to the floor.

“You human loving slime! Only the faithful can see their savior! You will be disassembled for your lack of belief.”

Prinevo slowly pulls himself back up into his seat, lowering his head you can tell he is dejected.

“I…am sorry Mr. Koda. For all of this…I thought I was being so careful when I brought your ship into Sphoros, but they must have had security measures I was not aware of…I’ve doomed us all.”

“Prinevo, if it wasn’t for you my crew would still be outside the sphere starving to death. Frankly, I rather go down fighting then die slowly. In my mind Prinevo, you saved us.”

At that Prinevo nods despairingly.

The monorail leads past miles of open wilderness to a series of large abandoned factories. Broken windows, prevailing silence and scorch marked buildings set a desolate tone. No one speaks. The train stops at a docking station in front of the largest factory, red plumes of smoke emerging from massive towers. After the halt of the train, two Bishops lead you into the factory; looking back you see your companions are all being led to a different direction. This is real bad.

You attempt to turn back to run to your crew, but the Bishops hold you back as you scream in rage.

“WHERE ARE YOU TAKING THEM! LET ME GO YOU BASTARDS!” The golden robots drag you the remainder of the way, deep into the factory. You lose your fight as you are led past rusty metal doors that could house a mammoth. They drop you in the middle of the floor, and to your surprise, toss you your HAM pistol. You stare at the gun for a moment as they walk out, the rusty doors unhurriedly shutting.

Through the darkness of the room you hear a large mechanical object shifting around. You strap on your pistol and begin to walk deeper inside. On the far wall, something catches your attention; approaching it you see a stuffed animal, a white tiger wearing a bowtie. It’s absolutely filthy and missing an eye, soft stuffing sticks out from little tears on the animal. Reaching out to pick it up, you are jolted by a monster mechanical claw slamming down next to you; cracking bits of the concrete floor, looking up you behold a giant battle mech. The battle mech is silver in color, with a plethora of arms and legs, almost a centipede like battle mech. You don’t notice any projectile weaponry, yet you are sure the mechanical beast could hold it’s own in a fight due to the sheer size of it. The battle mech leans down on many legs, revealing to you what is on top. Standing atop the mech, is a young boy...A young boy with obsidian eyes, a breathing mask, mechanical appendages and covered in scars. This is the Machinist Child.

You have 1 choice:

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