Gotham's Story

For the next several years, Alfred sent you to boarding schools. At least that is all that anyone will be able to find out when investigating these years of your life. Of course, it makes sense; wealthy parents die, dropping an orphan into the lap of the house butler- of course he sends the boy away to school so he could tend to the estate. That was the cover story that you and Alfred agreed to.
The real purpose of your international schooling was, in fact, education, but of a different curriculum than that of your peers. In England you studied forensic science and inductive reasoning. In Western Europe you studied foreign language. In eastern Europe you studied tactics and strategies. In Asia, you studied martial arts and mental empowerment. In Africa you studied crime and government. In everything, you excelled and mastered until you were a better, stronger, smarter man than before. Every few weeks, Alfred visits and checks on your progress. He is impressed with how much you grow with each of his visits and he is surprised by how much passion you show for your studies.
After your 18th birthday, you send a letter back to Gotham. Alfred says that it expresses your interest in going to college, but you want to backpack in Europe for a year or two first. The real message in your letter is that you are going on your own to seek training by following a lead you discovered in the Middle-East.
After discovering Nanda Parbat, you trained for several years under a master martial artist named Ra's al Ghul. You became his star pupil quickly and brought your body to a peak that Kung Fu and Ninjitsu masters were never able to. Ghul also taught you an important lesson that none of your other instructors taught you.
"You need to become more than a man, Bruce," he had said during one of your training sessions. "You must become a symbol against injustice. For a man can be killed, but an idea is immortal!"
But you soon found out Ra's al Ghul's true secret to immortality. He used Lazarus pits to reverse his aging process to allow him to survive and accumulate followers over centuries. You also found out that the training you had been participating in was preparing you to join a league of assassins that bent to the whim of the power hungry Ra's.
Your only choice was to escape. His path to justice was not yours- not what Gotham needed. So you left and returned to Gotham, even though you had to leave behind Ra's' enchanting daughter...
Bruce Wayne is now back in Gotham, but you know that you are a different person than that boy who left for boarding school fourteen years ago. It is time to begin your fight back against injustice. But how? Certainly you have the skills, your parents left you enough money to get whatever resources you need, and you know the city of Gotham like the back of your hands. But there is something missing. What will you do to bring Justice? What will strike fear into the heart of criminals?