Gotham's Story

Alfred is very quiet the entire time that you talk. You let him know about all of the research you've done and what conclusions you have made. He nods and only asks brief questions for clarification. You grudgingly pull out the vial of poison and explain where you got it and what you plan to do with it tonight. For a while, Alfred says nothing. He merely stares at you with a solid, but un-harsh stare.
"What about after that?" he finally asks.
"What do you mean," you reply, confusion playing across your face.
"What I mean, young Master Bruce, is that you are making a decision from which there is no returning. What will you do after you poison Chill? Will you take down the entire crime industry in Gotham? You are not the only orphan to be made in this city."
"I-I-" you studder in reply, but you can't get your words out.
"Why stop with Gotham, then?" his voice begins to raise and you can hear a mock in his British accent. "You must go around the world, seeking out those who have unjustly caused deaths and poison them too!"
"But I-"
"You are absolutely right, Mater Bruce, you will not be able to poison all of your victims. You will have to fight and I am sure that you are too cowardly to do that."
"I can fight!" you yell out. Alfred has struck a nerve- several even. He needs to stop talking to you this way.
Alfred stands up at your response. "Prove it, then."
Still red with anger, you bolt up and take a swing at Alfred. Without bending or moving from his standing position, he blocks your fist out of the way. You send another two jabs with the same result. Finally, full of humiliation and rage, you throw all of your emotions into a tackle aimed at his waist. Alfred simply steps out of the way and trips you, leaving you in an ashamed heap on the floor.
"About time those stage fighting courses pay off," you hear him mutter to himself. Meanwhile, you weep deeply in your fetal position on the floor. You have no hope of saving your parents or getting justice for your crimes. You are weak, and small, and foolish. Alfred comes close and speaks to you in a softer tone:
"Now, now, Master Bruce. I am truly sorry, but your approach is wrong. Killing a bad man won't bring your parents back. It won't make the world any more just. It just makes more death."
"Then," you say between sobs. "There is nothing I can do?"
Alfred smiles. "Quite the contrary. You can fight back. Become a light in the darkness that consumes you. Turn yourself into a man that can make a difference and rise above the crime that plagues Gotham. Fight for justice, not revenge."
Alfred brings your eyes to meet his.
"And whatever you need to become that man, I will be here to help you."

You have 1 choice: