Gotham's Story

It took three years but you pieced together enough information to positively identify your parents' killer. His name is Joe Chill and he is one of goons working for Carmine Falcone. Using your family's wealth and your father's previous medical experience, you've aquired a poison that will be nearly untraceable. You've discovered where Chill is likely to eat and as a bonus, you know that Carmine Falcone will be there as well. Two birds with one stone and Gotham will no longer have to suffer their torment.
You look at the collage of yarn and photos and news clipping that hang on your wall with a sense of pride. No one your age could have deciphered and interpretted so much information nor made such a fool-proof plan.
Placing the vial of poison in your pocket, you begin to pack your bag for the trip downtown. Suddenly you hear your bedroom door open and the tinkiling of Alfred's dinner tray.
"Master Bruce, what is this?"