Gotham's Story

With the skills at your disposal, you could easily incapacitate criminals. No mugger, junkie, thug or sociopath could stand up to your mental and physical prowess. You could work in the dead of night and use the skills that Ra's al Ghul taught you to never be seen.
But would that affect crime as a whole?
Sure, you would be able to stop a drug dealer and put him in jail, but would you put any damper on drug dealing? The crime bosses would eventually notice that their people are being put out of commission, and they would seek to discover the man that was getting in the way of their business. You are good, but even you cannot withstand the combined force of Gotham's underground. Not for long, at least.
No, you haven't discovered the right course of action yet. You are close, but you need to remember your training and reconsider.

You have 1 choice: