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Loose Ends

There are 101 loose ends in this story.

Choice ID Choice Room ID
27563 "Stop with the joking!" 12905
27565 "I come in peace!" 12905
27568 Play video games 12907
27569 Go on a quest to kill more people 12907
27570 Comtemplate your guilt as you scream "WHY? Why must I kill?" 12907
27572 Think some more! 12909
27573 Must be a hallucination. Gotta quit smoking pot. 12909
27574 Smoke pot. I like this hallucination. 12909
28523 Take three of everything. 13436
28528 Their phones don't go "beep beep, etc" when someone hangs up. 13437
28529 Beep Beep Etc. 13437
29204 Go into the hole 13727
29205 I have an invisible friend...I should commit seppukku 13727
29206 I have no invisible friends! 13727
29209 You are forced to watch Barny for a week 13729
29210 You are forced to read the Communist Manifesto for a week. 13729
29211 Pigs can't curse me! 13729
29214 That you go eat some chicken wings! 13733
29215 that you punch yourself 13733
29216 Ask, "who is it?" 13734
29217 Sleep.. 13734
29218 Find a worm 13735
29219 COCK-A-DOODLE-DOO 13735
30331 track down the fool 14304
30335 Neato. I can put my pig in there 14306
30336 Neato. I can put my gatorade in there 14306
30337 Ah crap. Who needs refrigerators? I eat my meat raw! 14306
30338 Bring out your Hattori Hanzo Sword 14307
30339 Turn into a statue 14307
30340 Use Flare Magic 14307
30342 Re-sell it 14308
30343 Fight "El Pollo Diablo" 14309
30344 Wasn't El Pollo Diablo fake? 14309
30345 Run away like a chicken 14309
30346 I am now an assasin. 14310
30347 I am now a thief 14310
30348 I am now a couch potato 14310
30349 I am now a ninja 14310
30350 I am now a poopsmith 14310
31312 Re-sell the teleporter 14764
31313 Try again 14764
31314 Call the salesman back and swear at him (make sure to mention the teleporter) 14764
31716 Go back to sleep 14951
31717 Turn on the TV 14951
31718 Get on the computer 14951
31719 Wake someone else's ass up. 14951
31720 Play a musical instrument 14951
51374 fuck the sheep. (not literally, you sick bastard.) ignore them. sleeeeep. 25099
51375 read them 'Goodnight Moon' 25099
51379 Nothin like home cookin. Drain that juice. 25102
51380 What are you doing here?!? You could be playing field hockey! 25102
51381 OEIOWOjmooinkoinkmoonarfbunnysquealquirpchatterSPOOOG>>? 25102
54324 a veterinarian. 26608
54326 a journalist. 26608
64661 EAt a samich 31763
64662 Eat a hamster 31763
64665 Make a doll man into whats on the wall 31766
64666 Shove them in the bathtub 31766
120239 green with white 60617
120240 red with mini 60617
181027 Get off the boat 92573
181028 Jump into the sea 92573
181029 Hijack the boat. 92573
181491 Stay. He may kill you if you take the meat. 92785
181493 Sniff the Coke 92787
181494 Put the pig in the refridgerator 92787
181496 Leave because the boat's almost ready 92787
181498 Fast-Foward 92788
181499 Rewind 92788
181500 Pause. 92788
181501 Play 92788
181502 You become famous... 92789
181504 Give up.. 92791
181507 Accept 92794
181508 Decline 92794
181706 It's 8-15, you stupid ___! 92868
181707 Hello. how can I help you? 92868
181708 hi. why are you calling so early? 92868
181710 you drop the cell phone. you are sleeping again. 92868
182421 Get to the Time-Machine 93184
182422 Sniff the Coke 93185
182423 Put the pig in the refridgerator 93185
182424 Leave because the boat's ready 93185
182425 Get in the tent 93185
182519 'Yes..Sir.' 93218
182520 *Cough! Gag! Choke!* Then hang up 93218
182521 Inform him of your new illness 93218
182522 Inform him of your new disability 93218
182523 Head off to work 93219
182524 Get out onto the streets 93219
184124 Find the police, they have to know what their up against! 94037
184125 Shoot it again just to be sure it's dead. 94037
184126 Run home and take a shower, blood stinks. 94037
184127 Follow him, it's not like you have a choice... 94038
184128 Stay put, he's just as dangerous as those things! 94038
184129 Ask who he is... 94038
184130 Stay straight. 94040
184131 Go right, the house may have some kind of weapon, or maybe I'll have a chance to hide and think of a plan. 94040
184132 Go left, the maze of graves and thick woods around it maybe the perfect chance to escape. 94040
184133 Take his instruction and go to the safe house? 94041
184134 Follow him, he never really answered your question-- besides how could he leave you alone out here!? 94041