A story

Loose Ends

There are 389 loose ends in this story.

Choice ID Choice Room ID
200191 NO. 102494
200193 HA! 102494
200195 Don't buy it 102495
200197 How did that happen? 102496
200199 Try to escape 102496
200200 WHAAAAAAAT? 102497
200201 Why? 102497
200202 I CAN LEAVE! 102497
200206 TO CANDYLAND 102499
200207 TO BANANA 102499
200210 Have a funeral 102500
200211 Fly awayyyyyyy 102500
200214 To the stove! 102501
200215 To the sink! 102501
200216 OHMAHGAWD, AMAZING! 102502
200217 NOOOOOOOOOO 102502
200220 Hang up 102504
200221 Can I have a cherry pie instead? 102504
200222 Hang up on this crazy guy 102505
200223 Ask for a pie 102505
200224 Scream 102505
200225 Laugh 102505
200246 Walk through walls 102520
200248 Go around scaring people 102520
200251 Don't eat 102521
200252 BUDDER. 102521
200253 Help the ghost work out 102522
200255 Psh, who needs sleep? 102522
200256 AHHHHHHHH!!! 102523
200257 I dunno 102523
200259 Frazzledazzle? 102524
200261 RAWRRRR 102524
200264 I HATE CAKE! 102525
200265 FIGHT MEEEEE!!! 102525
200266 NOOOOOOOOOO 102526
200267 I WILL WALK INSTEAD 102526
200271 NOOOO IM A CAR!!! 102528
200272 Honk at people 102528
200273 Eat more gas 102528
200274 Continue 102529
200275 Cancel 102529
200276 Wait, a mental facility? 102530
200278 Eating fish? 102531
200279 I WILL STEAL TEH FISHY 102531
200280 I HATE UNICORNS 102532
200281 I HATE CANDY 102532
200282 I HATE RAINBOWS 102532
200283 I HATE EVERYTHING 102532
200284 I LOVE IT ALL 102532
200285 I can't fly... 102534
200286 LETS FLY!!! 102534
200287 IM NOT GONNA FLY. 102534
200305 Find the end of the rainbow 102541
200306 Drink more maple syrup 102541
200307 RUN RUN RUNNNNNNN 102541
200308 Bananarama 102541
200309 CREATE A PERSON 102542
200310 CREATE PIE 102542
200311 QWERTY 102542
200312 42 102542
200313 CREATE CREATION 102542
200315 Jump through time 102544
200319 KILL THE SNAKE 102548
201744 Fiinnnneeee 103378
201746 HOW DO YOU KNOW? 103379
201747 NO THERE ISN'T 103379
201748 *screams* 103379
201749 I don't actually think they're scary... 103379
201750 What's a Q-cumber? 103379
201751 What rules? 103380
201752 NOOOOOOOOOO 103380
201754 YES THERE ARE 103381
201755 there aren't? 103381
201756 HFW#Y*HFUQ*( 103381
201757 To the village 103382
201758 To the castle 103382
201759 Somewhere else 103382
201760 Continue to step on the rock 103383
201761 Give up 103383
201763 Try to break through the wall 103384
201764 Pick it up 103385
201765 Leave it there 103385
201766 Find and sacrifice a rat 103386
201767 Examine the altar some more 103386
201785 Suffer through this burning 103392
203550 YAY 104406
203552 ... 104407
203553 Fiinnnneeee 104407
203554 NOOOO NOT THE BLUE 104408
203555 YAY BLUE 104408
203556 YELLOW 104408
203557 WAT 104409
203558 *flips table* 104409
203559 Clickmeclickmeclickmeclickme 104409
203560 REBOOT 104410
203561 DON'T REBOOT 104410
203562 BOOT 104410
203563 That doesn't even make sense... 104411
203564 NO. 104411
203565 ...k 104413
203566 wat 104413
203567 hsabdkashhkdqsbckcsajkcgediuqkbkgquc 104413
203601 try opening your eyes 104436
208692 Refresh 106624
208693 ?????? 106624
208695 WUT? 106624
208696 Send help 106624
208697 JUDGING. 106625
208698 ok fine 106625
208699 But I'm a judge... 106625
208700 YES 106627
208701 Clickmeclickme 106627
208702 --->Cancel 106627
208703 I knOw rIght? 106628
208704 I'm A bAd pErson 106628
208705 leedleleedleleedle 106628
208706 "Yeah, I'm fine, thanks." 106630
208707 "No, I'm not fine! I nearly died!" 106630
208708 Run away 106630
211889 "Sssssssss...." 108364
211890 you can fly! 108365
211892 Hi, I'm a banana! How are you? 108366
253165 Help him up 132399
253166 Kick him 132399
253167 Run away 132399
249938 Somewhere warm. 130387
249939 Somewhere colourful. 130387
249940 Somewhere where snakes can talk obviously. 130387
250184 Jump off. 130576
250185 Slide off. 130576
250186 Just sit there. 130576
253123 "What's a Dread Frog?" 132373
253128 "None of your business." 132376
253129 "Just a couple of minutes ago." 132376
253130 Try to smash through the automatic doors 132377
253131 Try to fight them 132377
253134 Noooo!!!!11!!!!!11 132378
253135 how could this happen to meeee 132378
253140 "I didn't know that." 132381
253142 "I do know that." 132381
253145 Silently follow her 132383
253146 Tug your arm out of her grasp and walk away 132383
253148 Run away 132385
253149 "Are you okay?" 132385
253150 Throw soup cans at her 132385
253169 "I'm alright." 132400
253197 Build a bridge and get over it 132408
253200 Cry some more 132409
253203 I'm salty. 132410
253204 You're salty. 132410
253205 What's salty? 132410
253206 YEAH, THAT'S RIGHT, QUIT!!! 132411
253207 Sorry... 132411
253208 Can I have your job? 132411
253219 Drink the water 132414
253220 Don't drink the water 132414
253221 YES I AM!!! 132416
253222 I'm really not... 132416
253223 <3 132416
253224 Yeah I did 132417
253225 Nah I didn't 132417
253226 Sike! I'm escaping now! 132417
253227 I'm a lyre 132417
253228 I'LL DIG A HOLE WITH A SPOON 132418
253229 I'LL DIG A HOLE WITH A FORK 132418
253230 I'LL DIG A HOLE WITH A KNIFE 132418
253232 HOLES. 132418
253233 talk to other inmates 132419
253234 barf all over the guards 132419
253235 eat your bed 132419
253236 Then it eats me 132420
253237 Then we eat each other 132420
253238 I don't care what it wants 132420
253239 ye 132421
253240 yee 132421
253241 yeee 132421
253246 use a ruler 132423
253247 go away error 132423
253249 :( 132424
253251 ♫ screw you ♫ 132424
253252 I didn't ask. 132425
253253 Ooh! Ooh! Let's talk to a rhino 132425
253254 Noooo it's scary here take me back 132425
257020 wait... who are you anyways? 134651
257021 ok. 134651
257022 The upside down store 134652
257023 The "Upside Down" store 134652
257024 ǝɹoʇs uʍop ǝpısdn ǝɥʇ 134652
257028 Plot world domination 134653
257029 welp, time to ban coconuts 134654
257030 pff, yeah right 134654
257031 who cares about coconuts? there's a shark!! 134654
257033 Nah, let's keep drowning 134655
257034 Add some salt 134656
257035 Barf 134656
257036 Keep eating 134656
257037 :( why not? 134657
257038 time to go solo 134657
257050 Yeeeeeeees. 134663
257051 Just kidding. 134663
257052 lol bye 134663
257053 Wait, what? 134664
257059 Okay. 134666
257063 "Can you let me through?" 134669
257064 Go back to the front 134669
257065 Fight the guards 134669
257288 Guess I should do something 134818
257292 Stay silent 134820
257293 "You're right. It's nonsense." 134821
257295 Time to sleep 134822
257297 Go to sleep 134823
257298 Roll out of bed 134823
257299 "So is that a no?" 134824
257300 "You deserve it." 134824
257301 Change back 134825
257303 Show off your powers 134826
257304 Swim away 134826
259995 A what? 136367
259996 THROW POKEBALL 136367
259997 RUN!!! 136367
259998 BATTLE! 136367
259999 Hi magikarp 136367
272380 k 144027
272381 uwu 144027
272382 owo 144027
272383 ;-; why? 144028
272384 BUT I DO! 144028
272385 time to go eat all the ice cream in my fridge i guess 144028
272386 2 144029
272387 3 144029
272388 quack quack 144029
272389 iT's StiCKy. 144030
272390 It'S gOoEY. 144030
272391 it'S wET. 144030
272392 it'S SmELly. 144030
272393 it's not ok. 144030
272394 I hAtE RoOsTers. 144031
272395 i don't even know what chicken tastes like how can it taste like chicken 144031
272396 eAt a chICKen. 144031
272415 Enter 144040
272416 Yay!!! 144043
272417 no i want to give up 144043
272418 who, me? 144047
272419 yeah, i am answering the question 144047
272420 no u 144047
272421 Put the cucumber down 144048
272422 Continue eating the cucumber 144048
272424 Try to get clothes from the thrift store 144049
272425 "Nevermind." 144050
272426 "You know, portal 7! The one with the weird blue light?" 144050
272427 How do you know what a zombie apocalypse tastes like? 144051
272428 Who cares, it's a zombie apocalypse! 144051
272432 Just keep walking. 144053
272433 Geez, guess I'll stop then 144053
272436 "Hey, what's wrong?" 144055
272437 Chase after him 144055
272438 Let him leave 144055
272440 "Sure." 144057
272441 Try to leave again 144057
272442 A merman 144058
272443 10 million dollars 144058
272444 A supercomputer 144058
272445 More power 144058
272452 How can I save the world without any hands? 144060
272453 Ugh. Fine. I'll save the world or whatever. 144060
272454 Okay... 144061
272455 Nope, I'm just gonna fix the power. I need internet. 144061
272456 Uh, yeah, me too... 144062
272457 That was a terrible pun. 144062
278202 Uh, no... 147109
278537 Dodge the apples. 147279
278538 Turn into a pillow. 147279
284463 Your friends 150666
284464 Your neighbors 150666
284465 Your grandmas 150666
284466 Your lunch ladies from your old school 150666
284469 Eat a bee. 150668
284470 Die. 150668
284471 Read the writing. 150669
284472 Jump through a portal that is not your dimise. Maybe. Anything can happen, reall 150669
284473 Eat the pickle. 150670
284474 Call the pickle names. 150670
284475 Turn the pickle into a shoe. 150670
284476 Eat air instead. 150670
284477 Die. 150671
284478 Kill Frank. 150672
284479 Say hi to Frank. 150672
284480 Wonder who the hell Frank really is. 150672
284481 Take a steak knife and eat it. 150673
284482 Drink a can of wasabi babies. 150673
284483 Do the Lekomotokokoloko. 150673
284484 Play patty cake with Elmo. 150673
284485 Take a dump. 150673
284486 Nooooo I hate cale! 150674
284487 I love cale! 150674
284488 Explosive cale 150674
284489 Dont know what cale is. 150674
284490 Catch something. 150674
284495 You get eaten by a slug! 150676
284496 I go on a boat with my friends. 150676
284497 Im bored. Im going to stop writing my book! 150676
284508 Sing Arianna Grande songs. 150683
291736 Oh 154936
291737 Whatever 154936
291739 Yes! 154937
291742 Well, can I pick some thing else, then? 154938
291743 I don’t have to listen to you! 154938
291744 Eat the banana. 154938
291745 Adventure through the snow. 154939
291746 Try to find shelter. 154939
291747 Climb a mountain. 154939
291748 Make a snow fort. 154939
291749 Make a snowman. 154939
291750 Eat the snakes. 154940
291751 Eat ramen noodles. 154940
291752 Run. 154940
291753 Drink the love potion. 154941
291754 Spill it all over the floor. 154941
291755 Catch something else, then. 154942
291756 No, lemme die! 154942
291757 Hey, that’s unfair!!! 154943
291758 Aaaaaaaah! 154943
291760 Call your grandma. 154943
291761 Die. 154944
291762 Don’t die. 154944
291763 Die. 154945
291764 Die some more. 154945
291765 Ouch 154946
295701 Whatever. 157353
295703 I don’t know. 157354
295704 You said mean things to me. 157354
295705 You punched me! 157354
295707 *Sit in silence* 157355
295708 Eat an SUV car. 157355
295709 Throw a couple of boomerangs. 157355
295710 Go shopping. 157355
295711 Respawn. 157357
295712 Die. 157357
316169 I can handle anything you throw at me! Onward! 168643
316170 Wait, how do I fit inside of a fish? 168643
316171 You're right. What should we do? 168644
316172 Why should I listen to you? 168644
316177 . 168649
317937 Go downstairs 169620
317938 Sleep 169620
317939 Play some games 169620
317940 Go outside 169620
318264 Do ‘The Easy Side’ 169788
318265 Do ‘Tricky Stumble’ 169788
318266 This sounds too scary. 169788
318267 Beat up the man next to you. 169788
318268 You know what? Eat another apple! 169788
318269 S-sorry? 169789
318270 Turn into an iceberg. 169789
318271 I will stop you! 169791
350247 Sorry 186530
350248 Then, I don't like this story 186530
357835 'That's pretty mean' 190287
357836 'Fine, end the story' 190287
357837 Poke your tongue out 190287
357838 Eat a pizza 190287
357839 'I love cats' 190287
360648 Run towards smoke 191655
360649 Scream for help 191655
360650 Dig a hole 191655
374498 Celebrate Cheeto victory with Confetti 198913
374499 Eat another apple 198913
374500 Dance like nobody's watching (Because no one is) 198913
374501 Punch something 198913
374502 Talk to the monster 198914
374503 Shout incoherently at the monster 198914
374504 poke the monster with a stick 198914
374505 Punch it in the face! 198914
374506 No you're not 198915
374507 Fine, maaaayyyybbeeeee you are 198915
374508 No. 198915
374509 .... 198915
374510 That isn't even a real word 198917
374511 I didn't mean it like that.. 198917
374512 Don't talk to me 198917
374513 Sure I am 198917