The Island of Destiny

As you set out towards the cliffs you feel the strong heat from the sun start to bear down on you. A few minutes later, you're starting to sweat. All that swimming did was just wear you out.

After about half an hour you make it to the cliffs. You start to look around for anything out of place or that could help you make sense of all this. You walk to the edge of the cliff and are amazed by what you see.

There are two rope ladders that are leading down the cliff. You can't see where they end up. But you tug on the ropes and find that both are very stable. That's when you notice something else. There are two signs scratched into the rock in front of each ladder. You look at them.

One is a picture of a fish. The other is a picture of a bird. The choice is up to you which ladder to take. There's no telling where you may end up.
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