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The Island of Destiny

You start swimming now. You can't wait to get off this weird island. "Destiny," you scoff. "Yeah right."

After swimming for an hour you turn and look back. Well, you can't see the island anymore. So there's no turning back.

After a couple more hours, you are beginning to get a little tired. "Maybe this was a bad idea," you think.
But then you see something that sparks excitement in you. Land! You start swimming madly towards it. You can't wait to get back home. Whoever did this to you is going to get sued.

But then as you start nearing closer you notice something weird. "Oh no," you think. After a few more minutes your horrors have been confirmed.

Somehow you have wound up at the same island you were trying to escape!
"No!" you shout. "How can this happen? I was swimming in the completely opposite direction!"

You step on the shore and stomp angrily across the beach. You see the same palm tree that you woke up under confirming that it is the same island. Now what should you do?