The Island of Destiny

You head into the shade of the cool jungle. You can hear the songs of birds and the rustlings of animals. This island is full of life. Could there possibly be other people?

You then see a hand-written note attached to a big tree in front of you.

You rip it off and read it. It says: "Thought you could escape back to your normal life so easily? No. Not until you discover your destiny."

You rip up the note and crumple it into a ball. "This isn't funny anymore!
Whoever's doing this, quit being a coward and show yourself!"

You then hear running in the distance. It sounds like a person running.

Quickly you start to chase after them. But then you stop. You can hear running to your left and your right. Could there possibly be two people?

Without wasting anymore time you decide to choose a path quickly and find whoever is running.
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