The Island of Destiny

You pick the ladder with the fish symbol and start to climb. You hope you made the right choice. You're still a little freaked out by how you managed to swim back to this island. You were sure you were swimming away from it.

It feels like you've been climbing forever down this ladder now. You look below you and you still can't see where it ends up, but you can't help but notice the crashing waves are getting closer and closer.

Finally, you feel your foot touch something. You put your other foot down and find that it has touched ground too. Hesitantly, you let go of the ladder and you are amazed to find yourself on a small dock, hidden inside a small cove to protect it from the monsterous waves.

You then look into the water and you almost shout out in victory when you see what's there. A submarine!! The top hatch is already opened and you waste no time to hop inside.

But then you realize something. You have no idea how to drive a submarine! The ocean isn't the nicest place either. But it could just be your only chance of getting off this island.

Want to give it a shot?
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