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The words, though spoken in his language, are transformed mid-flight through the air (thanks to your power of Tongues) into perfect English in your ears. He said, "Yes, Shepherd? Are you lost?" Ah. Apparently, the suit always matches the station on Blue; and since you look more like Shepherd David than King David, there's no way this man would mistake you for an Archangel. You must remember to do something about that.

You answer back in English, which also translates perfectly into his language, thanks to your gift: "Perhaps a bit, sir. I was wondering if I might perhaps impose upon your kindness to a weary traveler." The man turns his horse so that his right side now faces you. With a scowl, he harumphs at you in disdain and says, "Trust me, boy - it's better this way," as he levels his right hand at your chest. Then a bolt of searing blue lightning leaps from his hand, striking you squarely in the chest. What would have killed a normal Blueite has merely caused you to flinch.

You peer up at him through angry slits in your eyes. Aghast, the man dismounts and prostrates himself on the ground. "Forgive me, dread lord, I had no idea! I thought you but a wayward serf! Please do not kill me, milord!!"

As the man grovels, you see the same three girls come over the horizon that you had run naked from before. They have quizzical, moderately concerned looks on their faces as you stand over this man at a considerable advantage. All three rush to his side, fearing the worst. "NO! NO!! Please don't kill our father!!" they cry as they grasp onto him. "Foolish girls! BOW! This is no mortal man!" the Dad chastises his daughters.

The eldest stands to face you. "Milord, please have mercy upon my father. Sometimes, he is quick to temper, but honestly doesn't know what he's doing too often." The eldest daughter is brazen, you'll give her that (and also quite a looker), which causes a smile to appear on your face that could be taken as amusement or impending mischief. Trying to decide what you will say, you remember that the good and evil lords of Blue are known here as Theos and Diable - the only way these peasants would understand your powers would likely be to align yourself with one. Who will it be?
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