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"Very well, my Lord! Please, follow me!" the man says, as he stands and walks to the cottage door. The girls, bowing in unison, follow you and their Dad into the cottage.

Once inside, the Dad shows you around, where he finds you the only spare set of clothing he has - a reaper's outfit. Sensing it may not be up to your god-like standards, he apologizes for the shoddy attire, but you concede that it is better than the itchy loincloth you're wearing now anyway. The Dad smiles and then seats you at the head of the table and serves you (as do his daughters) with the finest cow milk and rabbit stew you've ever had. You wash it down with some water and a piece of slightly stale bread, but thank your new hosts all the same, gushing about what a fine meal it was. The Dad and girls blush with pride that their meager offerings could have satisfied a deity's palate.

"If I may ask, oh lord, what is thy name?" the father asks. You think briefly back to when Fred sent you here and reply, "Archangel. You may call me Archangel." The answer seems to excite the man and his daughters, and he quietly orders them to bring him something. Moments later, the eldest daughter returns with a gleaming blade with a golden hilt and a jewel-encrusted scabbard. As you are examining the blade with a look of satisfied approval, the man ventures, "My daughters found this out in the field only weeks ago. I remember remarking how like an angel's blade it was. You are the first to not recoil in pain from gripping the hilt, Archangel! It sends a fiery shock to all who would grasp it otherwise. When I heard your name, I KNEW that you were the one who should wear this great sword!"

"Yep, looks like Fred's work, all right," you think to yourself as you look it over. The Dad continues, "I've fashioned a supple leather belt for it to be worn upon, from one of my tenderest young calves! I would be honored if you would wear that great sword upon my humble belt!" He looks at you with great expectation in his eyes.

"Very well," you magnanimously gesture. "I will wear the Sword of the Archangel upon your finely crafted leather belt!" (You must now keep track of this new item and remember that you have it.) Cheers go up from the girls and you think you catch a glimpse of a tear of joy on the Dad's face. Wow, such adoration you're HARDLY used to... but you could learn.

The girls all show you to your bed for the night, which is the finest in the house (the Dad's, which he has gladly given up for you, and instead sleeps on a woven rug in front of the fireplace). As you drift off to sleep, you can't help but wonder what the morning will bring...

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