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As your body is still (sort of) on Earth time vice Blue time, you find you have slept late by the time you awake. The denizens of the cottage who would have been in the fields by now have tarried behind out of respect to make sure you are well taken care of before your presumed journey this morning.

The Dad pats you on the back like an old friend and offers you a gold sovereign and his mare to help you on your way. You graciously decline, feeling somehow that the gold is perhaps more than they can afford to give away and that the mare would best be kept here, as you're not that accomplished a rider anyway. The Dad then points you in the direction of a path heading North and suggests you may find better lodgings and servants in Theopolis, which he says you should find a path to at a fork in the road. You thank him for his hospitality, the clothes, and the fine sword and are about to be on your way when his three daughters rush you at once. One kisses your left cheek, one your right, and the eldest daughter plants a succulent kiss on your lips. As you blush and they coyly return to their father's side, you turn to follow the path North. You can hear them all behind you wishing you good luck and a safe journey, and all you can think is that you never imagined being an Archangel would net you groupies.

After about a 20-minute walk, you come to the fork in the road that the man had told you of. There is a sign which points down the Eastern fork that you use your power of Tongues to translate (It simply reads, "Theopolis".), and then there is another path which leads Northeast.

If you want to continue the charade of serving Theos, perhaps Theopolis would be the place to go. On the other hand, no one knows you've been to the poor cottage in your Southern past but YOU, and you could still be whatever you choose - making the Northeast path a viable option as well.
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