Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.


"Yes, yes, my lord!" the man says, cowering back from you in fear. As he grovels and servilely begins to lead you into his cottage, you begin to think the evil route might not have been a bad way to go. Before the Dad can enter the cottage, you quickly stop him, as your RPG training on Earth has taught you that ALL that this house has is yours for the taking, and more. Without question, the father and daughters stay, heads hung low. "Saps!" you think to yourself. Obviously, it makes no nevermind what you do to these poor innocents, for if Blue is as immense as Earth, you are about as likely to run into them again as a Californian surfer is to run into a French wine aficionado. You rummage through every nook and cranny of the small cottage, finding only one spare outfit (a reaper's outfit, generally associated with the poorest of elements - which you grudgingly put on) and a small pouch with five golden sovereigns in it, which you hastily tie to your new (well, new to YOU) outfit. (Make a note of the 5 gold sovereigns as a new item to keep track of.)

Seeing nothing else you'd care to plunder, you call in the family. The Dad takes one look at the pouch by your side and gasps. His look of concern is mirrored on his daughters' faces. "Please, milord, the pouch you have at your side is the one in which I've kept the earnings from the sales of the majority of our crop this year. It is to buy our grain for next year and perhaps some new clothing for my poor girls..." You're sure he means on continuing until he's convinced you to relinquish the gold, so you interrupt. "SILENCE, mortal! Do you not think that Diable is able to restore this pittance and MORE?!? Dare mention it again and I shall dispatch you myself!" The look of a once powerful head of a household vanishes from the Dad's face, and is left with the despairing void of the downtrodden as he replies, "Yes, milord. As you wish." Diable would certainly be proud of you. That is, if he had any idea who you were. These wretched creatures begin to disgust and repel you, as you wonder what their other more wealthy Blueite counterparts might be able to do for you, no matter HOW humbly and freely these poor folk may oblige you.

Lest they forget who's in charge here today, you bark out orders for the finest food they have and all four quickly jump into action. You are seated at the head of their meager table and are given the best cow's milk, rabbit stew, water, and bread (slightly stale) that they have. You gulp it all down carelessly and look upon it with disdain as you do, but none of your hosts dares to say a word against you, though deep in their hearts they must undoubtedly be thinking some choice ones.

After dinner, not even pausing to so much as burp, you push back from the table and announce your retirement for the evening. You find the best bed in the house (the Dad's) and then order the eldest daughter (who is by FAR the hottest) to accompany you thereto. The Dad says not so much as a word, although it is extremely against their common practice. The broken man, relegated to a simple woven rug in front of the cottage's fireplace, settles in for the night, and you feel you hear whispers of comfort being spoken to the remaining two daughters, although you can't be sure. After you disrobe again, the eldest daughter hesitantly removes her clothes for the evening's sleep, not knowing what exactly you might wish from her. You lean back in the bed, admiring her taut young body, as all coverings of her nakedness fall to the dirt floor. She reluctantly crawls into bed with you and mounts you as an anxious young equestrian might mount their very first horse. The sadness in her eyes makes you feel what might be the last twinge of remorse you ever have and you heft her off you to your side, where she lays her head and heaving busom on your chest in relief.

Not knowing whether you intend to have her now or not, you ignore her perfect body for the moment and fall asleep, wondering what conquests you may make in the morning.

You have 1 choice:

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