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As your body is still (sort of) on Earth time vice Blue time, you find you have slept late by the time you awake. The daughters of the cottage are already in the fields, but the Dad has tarried behind out of respect to make sure you begin your journey and easily and quickly as possible.

The Dad pats you on the back like the old friend you've projected yourself in his mind to be and offers you a gold sovereign and his mare to help you on your way. You feel somehow that the gold is perhaps more than they can afford to give away, but then again, you may never see them again so it hardly matters to you, as your plight is not much better. However, you do decide that the mare would best be kept here, as you're not that accomplished a rider anyway. (Be sure to keep track that you have the one gold sovereign now.) The Dad then points you in the direction of a path heading North and says, "Teepolah eesalon dah patat dah eesfahk," as if you know what that means, but you nod politely anyway and manage to gather from reading his mind that he is attempting to point you toward a great city. "Finally, some ACTION!" you think. You nod, the only way you know how to thank him for his hospitality, the clothes, and the gold, and are on your way.

After about a 20-minute walk, you come to a fork in the road that the man may have been referring to. There is a sign which points down the Eastern fork with a word scrawled across it in Blueite that you can't understand (perhaps the city that the man was telling you about?), and then there is another path which leads Northeast.

If you want to take a chance that the sign doesn't read, "DANGER!" and follow the East path, you may. On the other hand, the Northeast path is an equally attractive option as well.
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