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As you follow the path Northeast, you happen across a couple of shorter, blonde men engaged in a lively repartee. The one seemingly at a loss for wit is a large, roundly oafish fellow with a simple look to him. The one seeming to dominate the conversation is a thin, wiry man whose apparent barbs you happen to overhear before they both spot you. "The thin one looks smarmy," you can't help but think. Of course, he's the first one to speak...

"Allahstinjah! Pah-hah yoocun haypass..." Before you can even try to tell him that you don't understand him, he continues. He seems to go on and on "blah blah blah blah BLAH" all the while gesturing to his portlier counterpart (no doubt making fun of him), while you nod politely waiting to tell him you don't understand him (either that or shut the hell UP). Once he stops, you can hardly believe he's done.

You begin to explain the communication barrier between you all, but it is then that you recognize them - they're a famous comedy pair on Earth, one of which had been assumed dead for years now and the latter of which must have just arrived and is still having trouble clearing the Earthen cobwebs out of his head. You can't help wondering what Fred has them thinking their names are, but there's no way you can even ask.

You decide to play it safe and simply feign that you are a deaf/mute. After the skinny one delivers a final barb that you're sure was directed at you, they both continue in the direction you just came from, and you must simply pass on...

You have 1 choice:

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