From Darkness It Comes

The Last Good Nights Sleep

Darrin undresses and slips into bed, ready for a good nights sleep. After the day he's had there is no way he can't sleep well. With a smile on his lips Darrin fades off into the dream world, while the darkness that surrounds Northern State University grows unbeknownst to him.

Darrin is walking through a large hall of books. The walls are covered with huge bookcases made of books and filled with more books. The floor is scattered with tall teetering stacks of books. Darrin walks among them and picks one up here and there, but doesn't seem to be interested in them much as they are soon set down upon the next pile he passes.

Then he sees her, standing in a beam of light like a goddess. She is dressed in a white gown and her hair flows over her shoulders. She smiles, teeth sparkling, and opens her arms to welcome him. In soft and inviting voice she speaks "Welcome Darrin. At last you have found me. Forever will our destinies be intertwined."

"Hopefully not just our destinies." He says with a slight smirk, feeling his confidence grow as much as other things in the presence of her beauty.

She smiles back and his heart stops at its beauty. "Of course there will be more. Come here and let us begin." On that her dress starts to slide off her shoulders.

Darrin walks towards her as the books around him turn into bushes and the floor into grass, but neither of them notice. As is the way of dreams.

Darrin rolls over and shifts uncomfortably in his bed. The events inside his head seem to make the position he was in uncomfortable. His face, however, appears happy and at peace. And so pass the next few hours of peaceful sleep before he wakes.
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