From Darkness It Comes

Dinner and a Movie Night

Darrin picks up Lawrence of Arabia and The Shining as his two classic movies, making sure to have two classics of very different types. He then heads back to the campus and back to the lounge, where Lisa awaits him. Along the way he stops to pick up a pizza, saving them the time of ordering and paying for delivery.

He walks back in, goods in hand, and sees Lisa sitting there, still writing on the papers. With a smile on his face he announces his presence with a question. "Are you still working on that?"

She looks up and smiles back at him when she notices the pizza, pop, and movies. "Almost done with the important ones. I can finish the rest of them tomorrow."

"Well, I have dinner and movies, so I will set up and let you finish."

"Thanks." She says back with another smile before going back to working on her papers.

Darrin places the pizza box on the table and drops the videos next to it. Next to it he drops a couple of the pops and carries the rest to the communal refrigerator. Taking a quick look around he finds and grabs a couple paper plates and napkins before returning to the couch. He sits down and flips open the pizza box, freeing the smell into the room to tempt Lisa from her work.

She slaps her pen down on the clipboard and places it aside. She looks at him sideways, her eyes narrowing with false anger, and says, "That is so not fair."

Darrin gives an over-the-top innocent look and shrugs. "Everything is fair in love and war, as they say."

"So which is this?"

"I know which one I am hoping for, but we will have to wait and see. Won't we?"

She smirks and leans forward to grab a plate and a slice. "Just give me some pizza. Oh, and let's see what classics we have to choose from." She picks up the videos and makes a harrumph noise.

Darrin tilts his head and looks at the back of her head. "Was that a good or bad noise?"

She flips her hair around and looks back at him with a sideways smile. "We'll just have to wait and see. Should we watch the oldest first?"

Darrin gets up and pops Lawrence of Arabia into the machine. Before it has a chance to start he sits back down and grabs his own piece of pizza. They enjoy the movie and the food, and even the company of each other for well over six hours. Before the night is over Darrin knows he is in love, but can tell Lisa isn't there yet, but could be on her way.

It's late and Lisa is the first to rise. "I have got to get to sleep. Thank you for a wonderful evening. We'll have to do this again sometime."

Darrin quickly rises to see her off. "I'd love that. Goodnight Lisa."

"Goodnight D." She says as she leans in to give him a nice strong hug. She then pulls away and slaps him on the ass as she passes. "See you tomorrow."

Darrin just stands there with a shocked look and smile frozen on his face as he watches her leave the room. He is definitely in love, but now he has to decide what he is going to do with his night now.