From Darkness It Comes

Night Walk Around Campus

After the day he just had there was no way he could sleep just yet, so he decides to take a walk around the campus in the moonlight. His mind is in the clouds. Heck, his feet barely even seem like they are touching the ground. He can't believe he has found the woman of his dreams and she actually seems to like him.

He starts off by heading towards the main quad, where all the large old building are centered around the courtyard, even though it has the least amount of lighting. He doesn't care. He doesn't even notice the shadows moving in strange swirls behind him as he passes between Albert Hall and Devlin Tower. They lick at his feet until he breaks out into the light of the courtyard again. Only pulling back as the bright lamplight dwindles their strength into nothing.

Darrin walks with a song in his heart and a smile on his lips as he passes down Grovan Lane to where the espresso stand sits on the corner. The wind rustles the trees around him, but he is oblivious to the faint whispers coming from their branches. They call to him, trying to coax him off the road and into the shadows, but he doesn't even hear a lick of it.

Something strange is happening but in his bliss Darrin remains oblivious to any of it. Even the distant scream from the other side of campus goes unheard in his clouded daze as he reaches his dorm again. Nothing seems to exist for him outside his happy day. Unfortunately this is the last day he will feel this way, but right now he heads up to his room for the night.
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