From Darkness It Comes

Pleasant Sunday Morning

Darrin wakes a smile on his face that doesn't feel natural he can't seem to get rid of nonetheless. He had the most wonderful time yesterday with Lisa and dreamt of her for most of the night. He knew nothing except everything seemed right with the world and there was no reason to worry any more. His fears about going to college were wiped away and he now knew this was going to be the best time of his life.

He rose from the bed, grabbed his towel and things, and headed off to shower and get ready for another wonderful day. This was the last free day he had before he had to actually start his class schedule, being a Sunday and all. Tomorrow he had three classes starting, only one of which he really excited about, but none of them seemed all that bad now.

With his hair still damp he left the bathroom and headed back to his room. It was almost ten in the morning and he was not usually up this early if he could help it, but things were different now. He wanted to savor his last day of complete freedom, and perhaps get to spend some of it with Lisa again.

He closed the door to his room behind himself and tossed his things on the desk, heading over to the dresser to get something to wear. He flipped through most of his things and realized just how plain and stupid all of his clothing was. He had nothing cool or nice to wear to show her how cool he really was. So he just picked out some simple things and set them aside.

All that happened before he realized there was something else in his room. At the moment he is standing there in shock. He is also standing there with nothing on and drips falling from his still damp hair. His mouth is agape with surprise.
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