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Year 16

You are called into Captain Gruz’s office, when you arrive you see the well dress man that you saw four years ago standing with him… and debating with him again.

“I’m telling you Mr. Mol, I think they should work in the same unit. They’ve trained together and they’ve worked together so well at this point that splitting them up would be folly. Hell, these people have known each other since birth! You know that better than anyone!” Gruz says.
“Yes, captain I’m well aware of the situation, and normally I might agree if their were more of them, but I think their expertise would better serve if we deployed them separately in problem areas of the Empire.” Mr. Mol replies.
“You don’t break up a well oiled machine! I guarantee having them all in the same unit will be a better idea. I mean we still haven’t sent them into a real battle yet! Wouldn’t it be better to see if they can get the job done first before placing them in charge of others?”
“And what a perfect opportunity to lose them all, if something unexpected should happen.”
“Oh for…look that could’ve happened here! And if you’re so worried about them all getting killed in battle then what was the fucking point then? Besides, if they do prove to be useless in battle, better we find that out sooner rather than later when they’re in charge of others and getting them killed as well!”

Mr. Mol thinks for a moment and then replies.

“Hmmm, very well you do have a point captain. We’ll try it your way at first and go from there. Have them deployed in the Nalin province. Your services here have been useful as ever. Good day.”

Mr. Mol, steps out and commander Gruz addresses you.

“Well you heard all that, you and your fellow Eternal babies are being sent to the Nalin province. It’s not the Rask Frontier, but it’s a suitable first challenge for you guys. We’ve been trying to settle the conquest of that place for a few years now, and technically it is part of the Empire, but we’re still having problems with the Kobold population there. Little bastards are determined to resist and have been conducting a fairly effective guerilla war since we arrived. Though I blame that more on the incompetence of the commander in that region. If I was stationed there, this shit would’ve been taken care of a long time ago…but I’m not, so unfortunately you will have to report to Captain Pollo.”

Captain Gruz approaches you closer before continuing.

“Now I’m putting you in charge of your unit for reasons I’m sure you’re aware of. While I’m confident I’ve made the right choice, the burden will ultimately be on you to prove to be an effective leader. Remember, you’re not just a normal soldier, you’re supposed to be an Eternal. An instrument of destruction ordered by the Emperor himself. Failure is never an option for you. Even now there are rumors about your kind, and when you finally show yourselves you will be met by fear, awe, hatred and even distain. Prove yourselves and you will live up to the name that your were given. Anyway, the caravan picking you up will arrive tomorrow. Good luck and dismissed.”

With this you leave and tell the rest of your people about where you’re going and the general nature of what to expect. They all seem pretty excited to prove themselves, and to be honest so are you. At last you will get the chance to prove yourself and can only imagine that the Emperor will be pleased by what he will see.

The next day, you and your unit are picked up and the ride there is uneventful, but your unit spends a little time talking about things they see on the way. This is the first time all of you have probably been away from the training center you’ve spent all your lives in. Curiosity about some of the surroundings is natural, but it isn’t just the casual talk that’s different.

Your comrades are different. They are less reserved than they once were. Captain Gruz might’ve been a strict instructor, but in addition to encouraging teamwork he was also prone to encourage you guys to have a few hours of free time. This loosening of the reigns a bit, allowed a certain amount of familiarity with each other that wasn’t just on a professional level anymore. Even you have felt yourself changing personality wise.

Still you are all Eternals, and you are loyal to the Emperor. You will never forget that your duty comes first.

Eventually you all arrive at Fort Glory in the Nalin province where you are stared at by several soldiers who whisper among themselves. None of you pay it any mind though, you simply report to Captain Pollo. He doesn’t look anything like Captain Gruz. He’s human for one thing and wears lighter armor which is impeccably clean. When he sees you, he almost looks bored, like you were interrupting him, but you when you came in he was reclined in his chair and not doing anything of importance.

“So…you are the Eternals I’ve heard so much about. Humph. I don’t see anything special except that pretty one over there. Oh no, not you dear. That blonde muscular one in the back. Yes, delicious.” Captain Pollo says pointing to one of your men and not even getting out of his chair.

“Captain Pollo, we are here for our assignments so that we may serve the Emperor.” You say.
“(Sigh) I suppose you are this unit’s leader?”
“ Yes, captain. I am currently their leader and holding the rank of sergeant due to my excellence in my training exercises.”
“Sergeant? YOU? Why you’re a mere boy! All of you are just children! I ask them for more men and they send me children! The only thing you all would be good for is cleaning the fort! In fact that’s what you can go do right now, starting with the toilets!”

This is exactly what Captain Gruz said would happen. This is your first test.

“Captain, we have been trained in several forms of combat and fully ready to fight. Send us into battle and we will prove ourselves. We are here to perform our duty for the Emperor and all that entails.”
“All that entails eh? Okay, you want a fight? A few miles east of here, you’ll find a town called Dalt. Its filled with ignorant peasants that constantly whine to us that there are a nest of kobolds lurking in the hills near them. We’re stretched out as it is and can’t spare anymore troops to waste on towns that are of no military importance in the grand scheme of things. Go there and take care of their problem, then maybe we’ll have more to talk about.”

You nod and all of you leave, but before you are able to Pollo calls you back.

“Oh one more thing sergeant. Order one of your men to stay here with me. I think you know by now which one I mean.”

At this point you’re in genuine shock. You may be young, and even a little detached from normal ‘society” but you know exactly what Captain Pollo is implying. You can honestly feel more than surprised by this though.

“Captain, I will need all of my team to have the best chance to succeed in this mission.” You say.
“Oh? Well sorry, but you’ll have to make do like everyone else here does. Or you could clean the fort like I first ordered you to do, which you chose to ignore.”

It’s a no win situation, though you try to figure out a loophole that takes the responsibility off of you.

“Captain, you are of a higher rank than me, surely you could just order him yourself.”
“Ha ha, nice try. No. You want to be a leader of men? You need to make this decision yourself. Tis quite easy I would think. Sacrifice one for the good of the rest. If anything I’d say he’s the lucky one. He gets to stay here enjoying the pleasures of the flesh, and won’t have to be mucking about with kobolds and dealing with idiotic peasants.”