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There were eighteen of you that were sent to Captain Gruz, now there are only seven of you left, but that’s because you all proved to be the strongest and you proved to be the most gifted of them all.

While you were picked to be a “leader” fairly earlier on in your training, you never really interacted with your classmates as much on a social level since you felt as team leader you were supposed to keep a proper barrier between you and your subordinates.

Still, you have gotten to know them all on a personal level due to practically growing up with all of them, even if you haven’t been excessively close to any of them.

Gerald is blonde with fair skin and probably the tallest. You remember when Mistress first put you against him you were slightly afraid of him, though you learned that day that size does not always equal skill. Still, he has certainly improved since those times otherwise he wouldn’t be here. From other observations you’ve made, he is one of the more talkative members of your team, and tends to get along with everyone.

Warrick is a brown skinned youth with very curly hair. He tends to be more serious minded than some of the others, but can be talkative when he wants to be. Warrick’s fighting abilities were always good, but never anything special. He has proven to be a lot stealthier than the rest of you, but other than that nothing stands out about him.

Brenda is the only female that made it through training, though there weren’t many to begin with. Female Eternals weren’t given any special treatment, so the fact that she is here, means she has definitely proven herself. Her fighting skills are adequate, but it is with ranged weapons like a bow where she really shines. While you all were altered at birth to function slightly differently than a normal human, the biology of a teenager and all that entails still affects all of you on some level. On more than one occasion your fellow male Eternals have begun to look at her a little differently than each other and sometimes you hear discussions about her and her physical attributes (Mostly Edgar and Gerald). It is unknown if she thinks similar things about the rest of you. As always you have attempted to maintain a proper barrier, though even you cannot deny that you’ve let yourself get distracted a few times by her… green eyes.

Roldan, like Warrick doesn’t stand out in any meaningful way, however he does display a great sense of duty like you do. His combat skills are also about the same as Warrick’s. He tends to try to diffuse disagreements between others in the team when they arise. Almost like a “peacemaker.” You find this behavior a little strange for an Eternal, but you appreciate his efforts in helping to support a cohesive unit. If you were looking for a second, it would be Roldan. He’s a stable influence on the team.

Kane is probably the best warrior in the team besides you. Mistress pitted him against you in your first match as well. After you incapacitated Gerald, Kane nearly beat you, but you managed to pull out a victory. (Much to Mistress’ dismay) Since that first victory, Kane and you have had several sparring sessions. Most of the time you won, but there were times when he did. Every time he did though, he would always ask if you were okay. Outside of these sessions, he has always been very respectful of you. You might even consider him to be your second, but he tends to stay in the back even more than Warrick and takes no initiative on anything unless directly called upon. He barely speaks to anyone, has a rather distant demeanor towards everyone else and he keeps to himself even more than you do. Still, he works well in the team when the time comes and nobody can doubt his combat skills.

Edgar is your “problem” teammate with fiery red hair and an equally fiery temper. He’s always been a little more emotional than the rest of you though that doesn’t detract from his combat skills, which rank up there with Kane’s though unlike Kane, he’s never beaten you, but oh boy would he like to. Edgar would like to do a lot of things; one of those things is be the leader. He borders on insubordination at times and is probably the most outspoken of the group and will be the first one to point out flaws in something even if he turns out to be wrong (which he usually is). He also is an arrogant braggart that boasts about his abilities or successes whenever they arise. Unsurprisingly, he tends to rub everyone else the wrong way and if there is ever a major disagreement on the team, he’s usually the center of it. However, he can back up most of his boasts and is more than willing to prove himself and is not a coward in any sense of the word. Your own opinion of him is that he would be a much better warrior, and possibly could be a leader if he became more disciplined, a LOT more disciplined. You’re guessing his short stature (only Brenda is shorter) is part of what makes him behave the way he does.

You have 1 choice:

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