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The Nalin province exists on the southern outskirts of the Empire and is one of the quieter areas of it, one might even call it “backwards” but that wouldn’t really be a fair assessment. The people here are slightly simpler than in the other parts, but they maintain a strong work ethic and loyalty for the most part.

Due to its lack of importance, lack of “serious” problems and remoteness, only the barest amount of military is actually stationed here to oversee the province, probably not nearly enough, but until the Empire decides to explore the wilderness to the east of it or possibly the Usksha desert to the south, then the status quo will remain.

The major problem that the Nalin province suffers is mainly the kobolds that infest the area. Citizens have complained, but nothing has really been done to eradicate the problem. Without a concentrated effort to root them out, they’ll always be a menace and while they may be small they are can do a lot of damage in large numbers, and that always seems to be the case.

Other than kobolds, the only other common problem is with bandits, but lately there has been another threat coming from the desert. Odd nomads that ride lizard mounts have been sighted more and more on the edges of the desert and Nalin. There haven’t been many encounters, but the few there have been, have been hostile. Why they have been wandering from their desert is unknown, but they’ll be a bigger problem than kobolds if more of them decide to make sort of mass migration.

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