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The Galactic Adventures of Pierce Darkblade

The strange alien creature has just teleported onto the bridge of the Pachyderm. He is right in front of you, allowing you to get a good look at him.

He stands at about 5 foot 5, coming up to your powerful chest in terms of height. He has a massive round head that contains seven glowing red eyes that are set horizontal from eachother with the last odd eye residing atop the aliens forehead. It has a giant mouth, probably could bite you in half from the size of the jaws, his gleaming white jagged teeth are smiling towards you at the moment. You notice the dark green armor you saw on the creature earlier does not cover his whole body. He has armored arms to his elbow and feet to his knee. Atop his bulbous head sits a awkward looking helmet. It resembles a World War 2 soldiers helmet with two spikes, that is connected to an upside down cylindrical cone. Atop the cone sits a small figurine of a snowman, with carrot nose, black top hat and stick arms. Incredibly bizzare you think to yourself.

Suddenly the creature speaks, grinning all the while, "Ahh pleased to meet you Captain Darkblade! Allow me to introduce myself, I am known as Solitaire to the people of this universe. I must say in all my travels I rarely meet an individual that can survive my onslaughts as long as you just did. And you destroyed my favorite meteor gun to boot! Do you know how hard it is to find those things?"

Solitaire sounds like 50 different creatures speaking at once. His voice echoes around the room as if he was everywhere.

You cross your arms. "I'd like to say it is nice to meet you Solitaire but I don't see how I can considering how you have destroyed a number of cities on Freevus with that little toy of yours."

Thinking over what Solitaire just said you speak again before he can reply, "And I'd love to know how you already know my name despite myself not even being aware of what species you are."

Solitaire cackles, "I know your name because I read your mind! And im sure none of your high tech computers have a database on my species, the thing is Captain, I am not of this universe!"

You cock your head at his response, "You are implying that you are from another universe? Why would you come here, and attack Freevus of all places? This is nothing but a backwater planet and the Freevians never harmed anyone."

"Oh but you are entirely correct Captain..." Solitaire begins stepping a little closer towards you, within striking distance, "...Its not a matter of what the Freevians have done, it is simply a matter of fun!"


"I've been traversing dimensions and universes for quite some time Captain. A LONG TIME in fact. I am a simple being who desires nothing but entertainment. Watching the helpless Freevians get crushed by meteors is but one moment of a lifetime of entertaining ventures I have endeavored upon."

With a frown of disgust you reply, "So as a powerful cosmic traveler, you take it upon yourself to hurt others for fun? Like some sort of sick game?"

He smiles, "A game only I can play."

You smirk, "Hence the name Solitaire."

"Correct Captain...Don't think of me as some violent monster, I dont always kill the players within my game. There is always a means, a method of escape. I myself could kill you and blow up your ship at any moment for I am all powerful in this universe, but I choose not to."

Becoming frustrated you say, "Why? Why spare us or anyone you come across for that matter?"

"I spare the intelligent ones who can outwit the scenarios I create. Why kill someone who can provide future entertainment? You yourself Captain have survived the first wave, but now I have another game for you to play!" He cackles so loud the room begins to shake it seems.

You grit your teeth, fuming at this little prick in front of you.