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A Mystical Adventure

As you enter the mayor's office, you see that he is resting in a large chair. He turns to look at you and beams brightly, "Welcome! I am Mayor Jolan. Please sit down." He offers you a seat and grins at the sight of the wine, "And what is this, you brought me a gift?"

You nod and rest it on the table. The man grins and motions for one of his guards to bring him a wine glass. As the knight pours it, the man continues to speak.

"So what brings you to this humble village?" He asked with a kind smile.

You explain about yourself, how you seemed to have fallen from the sky with no memory of who you are or where you came from. He listens intently and he places the glass of wine in the center of the table.

"Would you like to try the first sip? You did bring it after all."