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A Mystical Adventure

You decide to follow the woman's advice and you head out to see the mayor. On your way, you see a woman who's sobbing on the street, clutching a bottle tightly to her.

Frowning, you go to her, wondering what the problem could be.

"Oh...I was supposed to bring this wine to the mayor, but the guards won't let me in! My husband passed away not long ago, and they say I keep bugging them for money...please...please bring this to him. It's the last thing of his...I can't stand to have it around the house!" She cries, tears rolling down her face.

Frowning in sympathy, you offer to take the wine for her. She looks at you with a gleam of hope in her eyes, "Really? You would do that?"

You insist and smile as you gently take the wine from her. She rushes into her room, seeming happier now, and you grin as you head into the mayor's office.