From Darkness It Comes

A Night In The Dorm

After the events of the day Darrin thought it was time to relax in his room before bed. He plopped down on his bed and grabbed a book to read for a while. It's a novel he has been slowly slogging through for the last week, the latest novel by Stephen King, a 2347 page monster called 'The Torch Barer'. So far he has read the first 1200 pages and has no clue what the story is actually about. Upon making it to page 1227 he is ready to sleep. Restful it is not, for there are dreams.

Darrin is standing at the top of hill surrounded by tall trees at midnight. Darkness is all around him, beyond the trees, even though he is bathed in light from the full moon directly above. Wind is slowly blowing and there are watery growls coming from the forest all around.

Out of the wet ground below him slowly squirms growing vine like tentacles of dark browns and blacks. As they start to wrap around his bared ankles and pull him down into the soggy earth he feels a hand on his shoulder and turns to see Lisa standing there in a sheep costume. She smiles and says "Can't go Ba-a-a-ack."

Darrin looks down at his legs, now up to the knees, and asks "Why not?" When he looks back up at her she is covered in blood and no longer dressed. The only sound she makes is a gurgling sound as the thick red liquid pours out of her mouth. Darrin screams and struggles hard against the tentacles.

He is now up to his waist and Lisa is now nothing but a pile of bones covered in maggots and very little flesh left. Within a few seconds she is polished white bones shimmering in the moonlight and he is sinking farther into the cold wet earth.

Tentacles clamp around his wrists, cold and clammy, and pull them into the cool wet earth. Darrin struggles against them but they hold tight and are far too strong. Once up to his neck and the struggle leaves him the shining white scull of Lisa turns to him and in an icy voice that pierces to his very soul says "It is destiny." His head is then pulled under into darkness.

Waking up in a cold sweat he jerks up, throwing his novel onto the floor with a thud and swiveling out of bed in the morning light. Fuck. Last time I read King before bed. he thinks to himself as he sits there with his head in his hands. Shaking it off, but still groggy, he makes his way to the bathroom to shower and wake up.

After getting the imaginary grime of the dream off him and freshening up he throws his robe on and heads back to his room. Walking in from the hall he looks around andÂ…