The Island

The plane rounds the small airport for take off, and soon you and the other seven passengers are safely in the air. You look happily out at the last rays of sunset over the horizon and are very happy with your choice of switching seats. Glancing over at the woman in 9A you see that she is also happy with her hat over her face, snoring over the roar of the plane.

After the sun has fully set, you realize you left your current reading material in your knapsack and glance at the seatbelt sign, noticing it turn off just as you focus on it. You stand up to retrieve your book when you are knocked from your feet by sudden turbulance. Your head hits the corner of the seat next to you and everything goes dark.

When you wake up you are laying in the sand with luggage strewn all around you. You are still quite groggy from being knocked out, you're not sure whether you should try to stand up or stay laying down until someone comes to help.