The Island

You try standing, knowing at once it was probably too soon to attempt. Your head pulsates with pain and you feel a sharp pain in your arm as well. The beach around you begins to swirl and you plunge into darkness.

You awake to the sound of whispering and open your eyes to three faces staring down at you.

"He's awake! Sophie, he's awake! Come quickly!"

"Wha...what happened? Where's...the plane?" You struggle to speak as the woman named Sophie runs over to you with a mug full of water.

"You've been out cold for the last two days, we didn't think you were going to make it", Sophie explained. "There was some problem with the plane, we crashed and there are only four of us not including you that survived. The captain is dead and we have no idea where we are."

The woman from seat 9A approaches you next

"I must say it was fate we switched seats, as it was if you weren't out of your seat you would have been a goner. The whole back half of the plane broke off during the crash and no one survived. Consider yourself very lucky sir."

Sophie cuts in "now it is very important because we need to start exploring this island for food and fresh water, do you think you can stand up or would you like someone to stay here with you while the rest of us go out?"
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