Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

Ground Zero

NO! You must have something of substance! Something with more meat! You quickly leave the warehouse and go loping around the City like some sort of animal.

You stalk the streets in search of prey but find nothing! You begin snarling to yourself and getting madder, but suddenly you hear someone talking loudly nearby. You get quiet and slowly look around the corner and see three men in radiation suits carrying weapons.

"Albert, for the last time will you fucking calm down, there ain't gonna be nobody here! If you think this place is going to be crawling with mutant creatures, you've been watching too many movies!"
"Well how do YOU know, Roger? I mean how do we know it won't be?"
"Look, Harry gave us this mission to do some scouting, not standing around with our thumbs up our asses arguing, now come on!"
"Shh! Did you hear that?"
"Christ, Steve not you too…"

Before Roger can complete his retort you come around the corner and fire your assault rifle at them haphazardly. You hit two of them before one of them runs off. One of them lies completely still as you approach, but the other is still twitching and convulsing as their body begins to shut down. You finish him off with a couple of blows to the head with your rifle butt before ripping the protective suit to get to the precious meat inside. However the noise of your weapon has caused other mutants to suddenly come out of the woodwork. They too want the flesh of these humans, but you won't let them have it! This is YOUR kill!

The other mutants aren't as well armed as you are, and when they try to take your kill you fire at them and begin trying to drag it back to your home. You only have so many bullets though and eventually it's a feeding frenzy where you're all fighting for the biggest piece. Eventually you grab a leg and an arm and run back to your lair to eat in solitude. When you're finished you belch in satisfaction and fall asleep.

In the months to follow, you will continue to participate in these activities, though mutant flesh never seems to taste as good as that of human. You cease keeping up any sense of appearances or hygene, you don't even sleep in the GZS research room anymore, preferring to sleep in the actually warehouse along with the rats and roaches. (Though you still go to drink from the water recycler down there) You've completely given in to the madness.

A year passes…

You wake up again like you always do, slightly hungry. You grab a nearby roach and chomp on that until you can find something more substantial. It's getting more difficult to hunt in this area though. For some reason most of the mutants here don't seem to act like you do anymore. Many of them have gotten "better" and have even been engaging in somewhat normal activities. You know there are still hunting groups of others like you holdup in some nearby factories, but you were never a social animal, you're a lone hunter. You don't like to share. You also know not to stay out after night, as you've seen mutants much larger than yourself to stalk the streets, even you don't want to mess with them if you don't have to.

So far you've been successful despite the odds steadily becoming against you, however it would seem that event continue to conspire against you. A large group of mutants dressed in uniforms have been patrolling the area as of late in fact they've been purposely trying to make it safe by wiping out your types. You've come in conflict with a couple of them, but the firepower they pack is too much for you and you've long since run out of bullets. (At this point you're just beating others over the head with the rifle or pistol whipping them)

Granted life has never been safe or easy, but now it's been getting particularly dangerous. Even in your simple delusional state, you're wondering if you should find new hunting grounds.