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Ground Zero

You know this area, and you don't want to leave, so you attempt to keep a lower profile. It's very difficult at first, and you struggle to keep your violent urges in check. You keep to eating rats and roaches. As a few month go by you begin to feel somewhat different. You don't feel quite as "insane" anymore though your mind is still a little around the bend. You never really leave the warehouse anymore and begin sleeping in the GZS outpost again, spending hours talking and laughing to yourself in between snacks.

Eventually the uniformed mutants find your little hideaway. When you see them you're surprised and annoyed, but you don't feel the need to attack them. (Though you wouldn't anyway since they're heavily armed)

"Hey! Get out of my house!"
"See I knew this place had Ferals." One of them says.
"I dunno, he hasn't attacked us yet, you sure he's a Feral?"
"Hm, you might be right, he sort of looks like one though, of course maybe he's gotten better, y'know the Captain said it happens sometimes."
"Hey! I said get outta my house!" you exclaim again.

The uniformed mutants continue to ignore you.

"What the hell do you think this place is?"
"I dunno, but the Captain will be interested, with the fact there's a generator and water recycler hereÂ…alright sorry to do this, but you gotta leave. This place is now the property of the Zeropolis Guard, which is us, and not you. So get your stuff and leave. You can go move into one of the many abandoned buildings in one of the neighborhoods."

You attempt to protest, but the soldiers just roughly grab you and force you out of your home and throw you out on the street. They then warn you not to try that again or else they won't be as nice next time. Having nowhere else to go, you follow their instructions and begin living in one of the abandoned buildings in one of the neighborhoods.

Months go by and you learn more about the things going on in the Dust District. (The area that you've been dwelling in) You don't really understand all the intricate details, but from what you can tell, The Zeropolis Guard is attempting to make this area their base of sorts in their war against the Shadow Horde (The sewer mutants) part of this organizing involves killing out the remaining Ferals in the area and rebuilding it.

As you are basically under the protection of the Zeropolis Guard, you're also subject to their whims and they expect you to pitch in and be a productive citizen like everyone else. In your case this means conscription.

You're in the army now, but you're still just trying to keep your mind from wandering. You never really did get over the "year of madness" that you suffered. Your mind is still disjointed, though when you kill Shadow Horde members, you do feel a sense of fulfillment, so it isn't all bad. Many of your fellow soldiers kind of stay away from you though and you aren't really considered for anything greater than just a regular soldier.

Eventually during one of the many battles with the Shadow Horde, you are struck down by a brutal blow to head with a very large piece of steel. You maintain consciousness for a few seconds before seeing a big boot come down on your face, making you just one of the many causalities in this mutant war.
End Of Story