Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

Ground Zero

Sensing when would be the best time to leave; you abandon your home and move on to another part of the City that's less organized. You end up in the Downtown area, oddly enough you end up taking residence in the same building you once worked at.

You haven't gotten a "feel" for this area yet and initially are at a disadvantage when hunting. Many times your "dinner" comes from those who were attempting to hunt you, but failed to recognize your strength and quickness. Soon though, you do alright.

Your life is pretty simple from here on out, you hunt for others and you try to survive, you last longer than most, but eventually the move towards order marches forward and comes to the Downtown area.

The uniformed mutants eventually attempt to organize this area as well in their efforts to gain territory from another group of united mutants namely the ones that live in the sewers. Once again your type are hunted down and wiped out.

This time you are caught in the open by several of them and are shot like a dog in the street.
End Of Story