Ground Zero

You don't want any part of this. You indulged in some chaos on a mass scale, killed a bunch of people and now you're done. You don't really want to bother running a town. You leave to go back to your home, a few days later Jim comes by asking you why you left, and you explain, you're a loner by nature and just want to live in solitude for the most part. If you ever desire to go raise some hell, you'll visit Cinderville and bust some heads or something. Jim says he gets it and says you'll always be welcome in Cinderville, as long as you don't get in his way running the place

You tell him that won't be a problem, and then you quickly shove a knife in his throat. Jim gives you a surprised look for a brief second, clutches at his bloody throat, lets out a gurgled hiss and dies. You drag his body inside and chop it up to make a new totem to put outside. You half expect someone to come looking for their new fearless leader, but nobody does, presumably someone else attempted to fill the power vacuum, actually several people did. (Ramon and Dan were among the first to try and fail miserably) Cinderville descends into a chaotic place of constant strife and you go back to waylaying travelers. Though sometimes you take a trip to Cinderville when you want to be "social", but it's mostly to better hone your survival skills, though you also take the opportunity to sadistically murder some of the poor original inhabitants of Cinderville who's lives have become a living hell now. It's like you created your own personal "gym".

Four years passÂ…

Five years have passed since the bombs dropped and you've enjoyed yourself more or less since it's happened, you have complete independence and freedom to do whatever you want, but as always all things do come to an end.

During your trips to the Cinderville, you've heard about some new organization called The Combine, attempting to "tame" the wasteland. It seems they're in some sort of war with another organization called the Cybernetic Evolution. From what you heard, neither one seems to be a shining beacon of light in this dark world, and that sort of reassures you too. It means that civilization won't be making a come back anytime soon, however it also means they've both been scouring the wasteland for recruits, neither one really asking for permission either. Eventually The Combine arrives in Cinderville. They quickly subdue the disorganized rabble there and place the town under their thumb. Indeed the original inhabitants are happy to put up with the totalitarianism of the Combine after the years of mindless chaos.

The Combine being the paramilitary organization it is, tends to do a lot of scouting and exploration, so you know its only a matter of time before they find you and chances are that they're not going to leave you alone.

You have 2 choices: