Ground Zero

You figure the Combine has better things to do than bother one person living alone. They're at war with goddamn cyborgs for fuck's sake and trying to "tame" the wasteland by taking over towns, you doubt if they'll even notice you.

The problem is, the original citizens that managed to survive the hell you created in their town four years ago, tell the Combine all about you. It's well known at this point that it was YOU who caused the attack in the first place, it's well known you participated in numerous atrocities during the attack; it's well known that you'd periodically stalk the streets of Cinderville at night like some demented hunter, viciously killing men, women and children.

One of the only requests that they had for The Combine, was for YOU to be killed. The Combine always being an organization to keep the masses at least happy enough for them not to rebel, agrees to their request. After all you're a scumbag anyway that would probably still continue to harass the town, the best thing to do IS eliminate you.

They soon arrive in force outside your home.

You're well stocked and prepared for a siege though; you figure you'll be able to hold out long enough before it gets to costly to them and they'll have to break off their attack, at which point you'll make your escape.

However, they've also been informed just how dangerous you are, not to mention they don't want to waste too much time with you, so after confirming you're inside (Which they do when you kill one of them attempting to get closer to your front door) they just start bombarding the place with rockets and grenades.

The entire place is razed to the ground with you in it.
End Of Story