Ground Zero

While you probably could kill this fat fucker, but for now you have to have all the help you can get and no disunity to pull this plan off, so you'll back down for now…

"Hey, I never said I was the leader, I know you are Jim."
"Good. Glad we understand each other."
"So go ahead and tell us what YOU think is the best course of action for this plan."
"Um…well…your strategy sounded pretty good." Jim says predictably

Just as you thought, you're STILL in control, just had to give the fool the appearance that he's still in control.

After taking some supplies you think you'll need and re-trapping your home, you all set off to leave. (You take your van)

In about a day, you arrive around in the area that Dan was talking about, in fact you don't need to look for the raiders; they instantly approach you when they see you coming. It would appear some of them have a few vehicles as well. Jim signals for everyone to halt and he gets off his bike. Ramon and Dan halt near Jim, but don't get off their bikes. You in the meantime grab your hunting rifle and hang in the back a bit, you just hope Jim can pull this shit off, especially since you're greatly outnumbered.

Soon the raiders arrive and stop their own vehicles. The leader steps out of his beat up car, and steps forward. He looks mean enough, like he's been living in the wasteland from day one.

"So, you got any last words, before we fuck you and eat you?" he asks Jim.
"Yeah, I heard you're the pussy ass bitch, who can't even handle a few pigs and some fuckin' vigilantes in Cinderville." Jim replies.

The raider leader's expression gets even meaner looking if such a thing is possible.

"Oh? And I suppose YOU can do a better job you fat tub of shit?" he sneers.
"Sure the fuck can asshole, all I need is more men. In fact I'd say yours would do just fine, so I'd say you'd better just step aside and see a pro in action."
"Don't think so, besides I've already seen a fag get his mouth gang fucked by a bunch of guys."

You sure hope Jim is a better fighter, because he's losing in the battle of snappy comebacks right now. In fact he can't come up with a response, so he just slugs the raider leader instead. You fully expect the shooting to start, but instead the raider leader laughs, pulls out the biggest blade you've ever seen and screams "THIS ONE IS MINE!"

During the fight, you scan all your potential greatest threats and the quickest order to pick them off, in case this all goes south. You're so busy doing that, that you're not really paying attention to the actual fight, which Jim as it turns out, is winning.

After tussling on the ground, slamming into nearby vehicles, punching, kicking and all the rest, Jim finally puts an end to his opponent by shoving his own knife through his throat. Everyone goes silent, and Jim stands up wiping the blood off of himself.

"Alright! Now listen the fuck up! Your previous leader was a lame ass who couldn't get the job done, and that changes right now! We're gonna get fuckin' organized and take that goddamn little town! Might makes fuckin' right! Are ya with me, or are ya gonna go running off like a limp wristed sissy?"

Well, it's a good thing you didn't kill Jim, because these raiders seem to really identify with him and they unanimously accept him as their new leader. You doubt if you would've had that success. You've never been a people person, regardless of who those people might've been, however you are an idea person, and now you move on to your next phase.

After Jim finally gets all the new people to listen, you begin to explain your plan, the problem before is they kept stupidly attacking from one direction, rather than doing the classic "pincer" maneuver and attacking from multiple sides. Using Dan's information, you specifically pick out areas where the most damage can initially be done with the least amount of risk. You point out the spot where there's still an old school being used to teach the children. Take control of that with the kids inside and you've severely reduced most of the townspeople's willingness to fight, which will curb the neighborhood "Charles Bronsons" from helping the police force. In fact you decide to take that job since you want Jim to lead the raiders in the main direct assault force with the cops. Dan and Ramon will be traveling with their own smaller force to attack other parts of the town, spreading out the cops' usually organized force. It's also hoped that the more disreputable elements that Dan mentioned living in the town, will join in the mayhem on your side, or at least against their side.

The raider vehicles themselves are not in the best condition, and most of them are running low on gas, but they'll do for now. You figure if all goes well, the still fuel that you created back at your home, as well as the farming area in the town with the pig and cow shit biofuel can solve those problems later. In fact you specifically mention that NO damage should happen to that area in this attack, though you don't expect them to follow that order.

You don't want to wait long to attack with this bunch, since they have the attention span of a gnat of crack. You have to attack soon when they're all hyped up. You suggest that to Jim, who agrees since he's anxious to get to this dastardly business anyway. In a couple days you're attacking the town as planned. You start on your end first, making a beeline to the school, before the main attack force arrives.

A few of the raiders are in your van itching to start creating some havoc. You stop outside of the school and run inside with your current trigger happy cohorts. A couple of them kill a few kids and you have to remind them you're SUPPOSED to be holding them hostage right now! If the townsfolk don't comply THEN you can start capping the little bastards. You tell them to go and kill the teachers if they want.

In the mean time you take the opportunity to shout from the window to the crowd gathering outside. You tell them that if any of them start trying to defend the town or help the cops, then their kids are going to be killed. To show you're really serious though, you tell one of the raiders to toss a kid out the window. A collective cry goes up from the crowd when the body hits the pavement and their pathetic begging is pleasing to your ears.

You get a few people shooting at you anyway (Obviously not parents) but having a good vantage point and a hunting rifle, you start sniping the idiots who have decided to ignore your threats. A few more kids thrown out the window causes ALL the shooting to stop.

You can hear the sounds of battle from your position; no cops have arrived so you're guessing Jim and the rest are doing their job. You're really enjoying all this chaos you've created, you were just stagnating before the bombs dropped, now in this new world you're free to embrace the darkest part of yourself that always existed, but wasn't allowed the flourish. You love this fucking shit.

Eventually you hear a roar of a motorcycle, followed by the sound of some bottles breaking. You go to check the window and see the crowd outside running and screaming, some of them on fire from the Molotov Cocktails just thrown at them. You also see Ramon shouting up to you.

"Hey! We're winning man! The remaining cops are barricaded in their fucking station, broke the Mayor's legs and dragged him through the street and best of all we got some of the other local punks to join us! There's practically no more resistance left! Its total fucking anarchy man!"

You turn around and begin smiling at the kids you're holding hostage which somehow scares them even more. You pick up a young girl and kiss her hard on the lips and laugh at the fear in her eyes. You then throw her down and tell the raiders with you they can do whatever they want, because you're going to indulge in some pure havoc on your own.

After a couple days and nights of indulging in this activity, Jim finally gets around to settling his new gang down (Which he's inventively called "Jim's Reapers") and wondering about what to do with the town now that he has control over it. He seems to have forgotten already that it was YOU, who orchestrated this. Now that the task has been accomplished perhaps this would be the time to discuss the leadership role again.

Then again, you wonder if you even want to bother. Sure there's the power and such, but there's also the headache of dealing with all these morons on a regular basis and running the town. The "fun" part is over as it were.