From Darkness It Comes

Headline News

Death On Campus" is what the headline read in solid black letters on the local paper at his feet. It appears to have been shoved under the door while he was in the shower and he missed it when he came back. Well, didn't exactly miss it, because there was also a damp footprint on it, but he sure didn't notice it until just now. That headline is enough to freeze him to the core. The cold water drying on his skin isn't helping though.

He quickly just throws something on without even looking at it and picks up the paper to read the whole article.

Horrible Death On Campus
By: Jonathan J. J. Schmidt

After dark last night on the east campus local residents heard screams and called the CS and local police. When the CS arrived they discovered the mutilated body of a young female student behind Albert Hall. The CS waited for the police to arrive since this was outside of their training and lead CS Officer Aaron Ellington said, "This was something no human should ever have to see." The other CS officers were too shocked to make any kind of statement.

There was good reason for their shaken condition. According to Police Detective Masterson the attack was not some common assault. "I have never seen anything like this in my twelve years on the force. No human could have done that. It had to be some kind of animal. A big one."

Unfortunately insiders say there was no other evidence to support his theory of an animal attack. They could find no tracks in the dirt, only several sets of footprints including the victims. There was no evidence of fur or saliva found on the victim and none of the markings seemed to match teeth or claw marks. Further studies are being done, but due to the shape of the body it is believed little more will be uncovered.

It is still unknown who the victim was since none have been able to identify the remains yet. According to the same insider the body was in several pieces, being ripped apart rather than cut or chewed, and several large pieces seem to be missing. The only reason they know it was a woman was by the clothing, especially the shoes and jewelry, found on and around the massacre. Police are asking that if anyone knows of any missing women in their late teens or early twenties around campus to contact them immediately.

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Darrin finds himself shaking slightly and uncontrollably from reading this. Could this be connected to the weirdness that guy talks about? He thinks to himself, but tries to shake it off. Gotta stop thinking about this. Focus man. You have a hot chick to go after. You don't need any of this spooky crap.

On that he finishes getting ready for the day, slips on his shoes and does his best to clear his mind of the story. It just won't quite let go though. Gnawing at the back of his skull and trying to make him listen. He looks at the paper one last time and shakes his head before deciding what to do.