From Darkness It Comes

Lisa on a Sunday Morning

Darrin makes his way down towards the quad, confusion and trouble showing on his face despite himself. His thoughts wander to recent news and events. The darkness seems to surround him, even on this bright Sunday morning. His feet seem to fall heavily as he takes every step down the stairs, echoing deeply down the entire well. How could this be happening? Why have I been chosen to be a party to is? His mind wanders around in a dizzy fog. This was supposed to be a fun new experience. College was a time of change, not a time of death and dark forces.

He train of thought does not get to continue as a familiar and friendly voice shakes him out of it. "Hey there cutie." His head snaps up and he is staring at the smiling face of that amazing redhead he met just yesterday. Lisa. Lisa Redford. His mind reminds him. And she called me cute.

He smiles through the gloom. "Hey there yourself."

"Why so glum? It's a beautiful day and we should be spending it together as I take care of a few chores."

"Glum?" He asks as his face contorts in confusion that looks more like a mix of pain and constipation.

"Yeah, the sourpuss look on your kisser. Something happen? News from home? Bad dream?"

Darrin snorts a small soft laugh uncontrollably. "I wish it was just a dream, but you pay that no never mind."

"What are you talking about? You're scaring me. Is there something going on I should know about?" Her looks of playfulness are replaced by true worry and empathy.

"I don't know." His shoulders sag and his eyes drop to look at the floor. "It's strange and all screwy. There is something dark going on here and somehow I am being mixed up with it. I just wanted to lead a normal life and go to school, but now... I don't know. That's the problem."

She looks confused at this but he just keeps babbling on. "I don't know. Maybe if I knew something more I would be able to do something about it. Perhaps I should do some research about what I do know."

She frowns and pulls him into a hug. He relaxes in her warm arms and feels the first sense of relief he has had since it all started. In a soft voice she speaks in his ear. "Whatever you need hon, but right now you need to relax. Come with me while I take care of few things, then we can get something to eat, and then we'll look into whatever this is that's troubling you together."

She releases her embrace and takes his hand in hers. Quietly they walk out of the building and into the quad. His doesn't want to let her go ever, and really wants to do as she asks (spending the whole day with just her), but...
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