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The Great Adventure of Aaron Appelapolous

You race to your first class of the day, War Craft, realizing you have only a few minutes before it begins.

On the way, you slam right into a student who has just rounded the corner.
"Well, well, well... what do we have here?" the enormous kid before you smiles a toothless grin, "It's Aaron AppleASS!" two kids beside him begin laughing like Beavis and Butthead.
Your face pales with horror. The large kid that stands before you now is none other than Freddie Jones, your worst enemy and the leader of the most feared gang in all of Branblod.
"Leave me alone!" you whine.
"Aww... are you goina cry?" Freddie's massive body bends over your not-so-massive figure, "C'mon WUSS, cry for me! Go on and CRYYYY!"
Freddie's two stooges on his left and right begin laughing stupidly again.